Chapter Five

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3rd Person

Void had feared living since he no longer had Daeus. Ever since that day at the funeral, he'd been forced to stay alive. He'd been forced to remain . . . awake. Not that he didn't sleep, just that he didn't want to live. He never got time to himself, never got the chance to do something to join Daeus.

Yet as the months progressed, everything got worse. He didn't even have Yupo. He knew it was coming. He could see it. As the days turned to weeks and the weeks to months, she slipped from him. She fell into a depression similar to his, but unlike him, she couldn't be saved from it. Yupo was lost to her grief, lost to the fact that Daeus was gone.

She got was Void wanted.

He woke up two months ago to Deodiar pounding on Yupo's door. She'd locked herself away, not eating, not interacting with anyone. She'd fallen into the abyss, unable to save herself, unable to be saved. No matter what any of them did, no one could help her.

He'd cried for days on end after Yupo's funeral. She'd been all he had left of Daeus and now she was gone. Deodiar clung to him and forced him to stay alive. He didn't know why it was so important that her that he live. He had no reason, no need. Daeus was gone so he should be to. There was no point to living when the only point in the first place was gone. A year's time couldn't even heal the pain.

He needed to be gone. Void could barely deal with the pain. Most days he stayed asleep. He only ate when Deodiar made him. To be honest, she'd grown on him. He thought he could get better with her and Roo and their bonds, but he couldn't. He tried, really, he did, but he couldn't. Everytime he tried to get better, the pain got worse. It got unbearable. He couldn't live without Daeus . . . he couldn't go on.

Looking up at the stars instead of lost in his head, Void couldn't help but feel incredibly lost. 'Daeus,' he thought, gripping his head as if it hurt. 'Why'd you leave me?'

He was surrounded by the two Rasorine that were Deodiar and Roo's bonds. They slept with him and made sure he stayed alive when neither of the Ehkad he lived with could. One of them stirred and placed its head in his lap, opening its eyes and staring at him.

He felt lost and alone. Void placed a hand on the Rasorine's back and pet its silky fur, sighing sadly. It wasn't nearly as soft as Daeus's. He missed Daeus. At the thought of his bond, tears fell from his eyes and his shook, starting to sob.

His sobs woke the other animal and they both tried to comfort him, wrapping their bodies around him and licking him. But they weren't Daeus . . . they weren't what he wanted. He needed his Daeus. He needed his savior back. He needed . . . .

He needed to go home.

Void stopped crying and looked at the stars again. His heart was as broken as the day he lost his Daeus. Possibly even more so. 'Come back!' He cried out mentally, staring at the stars as if they cold manifest what he desired.

'I need you,' He whimpered, curling into a ball with the animals lying against him and purring. 'Come back,' He thought, closing his eyes and trying to pretend that Daeus was here. Because he knew, deep in his gut, that if Daeus didn't magically show up, he would no longer be able to stay awake.

Author's Note: Sorry the chapter's short, just wanted to give an insight into what Void was going through. Hope you liked it!

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