Chapter One

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Daeus' POV

It was dark when I opened my eyes. Dark and cold. My ears picked up on sounds from around me, but I felt as if I was looking into the blackness of space. I felt as if I was left abandoned in a frozen lake and my body was only just now warming up.

But . . . But who was I? I could remember how old I was. I could remember how to see and hear and smell and move, but . . . . how could I not remember who I was, or what I was? My tail was twitching against the bed that I lay on and my paws were curled into me as I laid on my side, my eyes still staring into nothing but the blackness that consumed my vision.

"Vrillyn, I think he's waking up." The sounds assaulted my ears and pain shot through my skull. My eyes shut and clenched together as the pain subsided. My body was still immobile, but I didn't try to get up. "Definitely awake," The voice spoke again and my head started to throb, again. It hurt so much to listen to the voice that I thought he was right next to my head, yelling in my ears.

A hand touched my shoulder and I flinched. "You can open your eyes now," This voice was much softer than the first and certainly did not hurt my ears or my head. And, following her command, I opened my eyes. Standing before me were two individuals. One was shockingly tall with dark orange fur and black stripes. Looking up further, her baby blue eyes smiled warmly down at me. Slightly behind her was a shorter male with black fur, white points, and a white chest and silver eyes. He was looking at me curiously and his voice had been the one nearly killing my ears.

"W-who are you?" I mumbled out, not sure if they could hear me. Heck, I could barely hear myself. My voice was dry and scratchy and it hurt to talk, but I ignored the dull throbbing. "Where am I?"

"I'm Vrillyn, Healer of the Acolbi Tribe. This is Vri, my apprentice. You are on Crater Sphere, the second planet inhabited by the Vrox." She paused and my eyes flicked around the room. It was a small room, nearly empty aside from the bed I was on, a desk, and the window. "Do you know who the Vrox are?"

Bringing my focus back to the female, I shook my head. "I don't . . ." There was a scratch in my voice and I paused for a moment, but just ended up shaking my head again. If the rest of the Vrox looked like these two, then I could assume they were a type of feline-like anthropomorphic species. They looked familiar, but I couldn't place it.

Vrillyn nodded and tilted her head. "Do you know who you are?" 

I was going to tell her I didn't know how I was, but before the words came out, something was nagging me in the back of my mind. Did I know who I was? I tried to pull my focus in to myself to figure out who I was and my head started to hurt with all of this concentration, but . . . maybe I did know who I was. "Daeus." I blurted out of nowhere, startling myself. Was that my name? It had to be. But, why couldn't I remember anything else? My whole mind felt like it was shrouded in an impenetrable fog.

"Can you tell me anything else, Daeus?" Vrillyn asked, yet, I couldn't. I could barely remember my own name and she thought I could remember other things as well. I shook my head, looking down. How could I not remember anything? How was it possible that I not remember anything about myself, my home, my family, or even why I could possibly be waking up on a planet that was obviously not my own?

"You were found on Pearl's Moon about three weeks ago. I've been taking care of you since they found you. Pearl's Moon is a toxic wasteland, how you survived a year on its surface without any protective gear is unknown to any of us." Vrillyn bent down a little towards me. "You're lucky you're alive, anyone else would have died without hours of being stranded.

Her tone of voice spooked me a little, but I nodded. I understood perfectly what she was trying to convey and already I knew that I shouldn't take her care for granted. A part of me knew what she'd sacrificed to take care of me, even though it was nothing conscious. Maybe I just assumed, considering the sound of her voice when she'd called me lucky. "But, despite knowing what you are and where you came from, we have not been able to reach communications with your planet, or any ships of your kind. Until we do so, you'll have to remain here. Is that okay?"

Stumped, I just stared at Vrillyn blankly. "My home planet?" I rasped out, my voice getting easier to use the more I talked. "How far away is that? What is it? Can you tell me what I am? Do you know my family?"

For some reason, Vrillyn looked a little off. She no longer held a warm smile on her face and I couldn't remember when she'd lost it. "I'll leave you to Vri. He can explain to you everything you need to know." She turned and left the room, not sparing me a glance on her way out. I turned my attention to the male, staring at him expectantly for the answers I desperately seeked.

"She's not upset at you, Daeus, just at your inability to remember things." Vri stated first, his voice much lower than when he'd first spoken.

"But . . . why?" I interrupted, curious as to why Vrillyn would be upset at my amnesia.

Vri looked down for a moment, his silver eyes swirling. "You used to know her," Came his reply and I froze. I used to - know her? "When you were little, you were abandoned by your siblings, Vrillyn found you and cared for you until your mother came to get you."

"Why would she be upset that I don't remember that? Even if I still had my memories, could I still remember her if it happened when I was little?" 

Vri only shrugged his shoulders. "That's her story to tell you. First, I need you to know that while you are healthy and your body is healed, you are weak and have been for a long time. Exercise will get you the strength you need, but you can't overdo. Your stomach fur is going to most likely remain very thin as the skin under it was burned. You also must try to stay inside the Acolbi Tribe with us as we cannot guarantee you to go home if you are not here when we get ahold of the other Ekhad, which is what you are. For now, you can help around with Vrillyn and myself or go help with growing the food. Can you do all of that?"

My head started to throb again, but I nodded. Vri turned and left the room, stating that he'd be back in a little bit. I only fell back against the bed and stared at the ceiling. If my name was Daeus then who in the hell was the other name gnawing at the back of my head?

Who was Void?

Author's Note:  Posted early due to my busy schedule this weekend. Sorry that it took so long for me to get this out, but I hope you all like it. Chapter two will be up next Friday.

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