Chapter Six

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Daeus's POV

Two weeks on the ship and things were starting to feel like they were dragging on forever. There was nothing to do on here to make time go by aside from sleep and you can only sleep for so long before you have to stay awake. Your body makes you stay awake because you've already slept so much. But it's hard . . . silence surrounds us every single day. There's nothing to talk about, nothing to do. Darkness blinds us in the night, the lights on the ship are already so dim.

An alarm sounded, alerting me that it was time to get out of bed. I went to stand and my eyes started to blur. Everything started to spin and I sat heavily back onto the bed and closed my eyes tightly against the trobbing in my head

Large black eyes stared at me through the fog of my brain. A warm body felt as if it was resting in my arms, but I couldn't make out the shape of it. My heart fluttered and twinged as if being reminded of something very valuable to it - as if something was tethered to it. 

When everything cleared and I could finally see again, I grasped my chest. What was that? Those eyes . . . . they looked familiar and that feeling in my arms? What could that have been? Was it the mysterious Void I seem to be looking for? Could it have been some fleeting feeling of something that happened in the past?

I shot up from my bed to go find Vrillyn. Maybe she could explain what I had just experienced?

"Vrillyn!" I exclaimed when I saw the dark orange and black tail flicking from around the corner. My voice was a mixture of exhaustion and anxiety. My mind was racing. I turned the corner and nearly ran right into the back of the female.

Baby blue eyes turned to stare right at me. For a moment I mistook her expression as something menacing, but her eyes were soft as she glanced me over. Sweat coated my body as if I had just got done exercising and I was visibly shaking. 

"Boy what's got you so shaken?"

Her voice was smooth and soft and she grabbed my shoulders, holding me reassuringly, which helped calm my racing heartbeat. "I saw . . . . No . . . I felt . . . . I don't know? I went to stand and it was like something . . . . "

She tilted her head, her eyes shadowing confusion. "You saw and felt something?" Her claws pricked my skin a bit and suddenly it was like everything was frozen. I couldn't see nor hear and my body felt weighted down with everything in the universe.

When everything went back to normal, my fur was on end as I stared at Vrillyn. "What was that for?!" I exclaimed, shocked as m hands rubbed my shoulders where she pricked me.

"Just . . . a hunch," She said softly. "You might be experiencing memories of before you were found. A sort of way that your body is trying to remember."

"But then why haven't I experienced it before?" My tail flicked. I was a little agitated. Why couldn't we have stayed home? Why - - Well, that place wasn't my home. I was content, but it never felt like a place I could call home, especially when I could always feel this gaping hole inside of me, yearning for something I could not explain.

"Maybe because you weren't interested in it. Maybe because you weren't trying to find a reason to leave. Or it just took a while for your body to remember." Her words were soft spoken, like she was trying to reassure me.

I took a few deep breaths and started to walk away and she followed. "Your species and ours aren't that different. Historians say we evolved from the same ancient species a long time ago. One thing we have in common in today's times is our god - you could call it. His name is Taurikie."

"Why are you telling me this?" I looked at her sideways as we came up to the front of the ship, staring out into space. Nothing but black in all directions.

"Because you survived on a moon that should have killed you. You survived a battle and a toxic moon that should have killed you." Vrillyn looked down, away from me as her eyes sparkled with tears. "I used to not believe. But after all that's happened, I have faith. Things happen for a reason and while they might not be ideal, they still happened. You survived that moon for a reason, and it wasn't to stay with me and Vri for the rest of your life. There's someone out there for you designed for you from Taurikie. That's a gift not everyone gets, but for some reason, you were chosen to survive. You were chosen to continue. There is something bigger than all of us destined for you. Something out there is rooting in your favor, wanting you to get through this, wanting you to accomplish something."

"Accomplish what?"

The female shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, Daeus. All I know is that something bigger than us, bigger than everything, is rooting for you to make it back. Rooting for you to find whatever it is that you're missing."

I stared out into space, watching the stars that flashed by us as we flew through space. Was Taurikie 'rooting' for me? Was this big, powerful . . . . thing helping me? 

"Someone's out there waiting for you. Someone you can't live without." She continued and from the tone of her voice I knew she was finished speaking.

"I know," I whispered softly, but before I could say anything else, everything went dark as our ship was knocked upside down. 

My head banged the roof of the ship as a hole the size of a small asteriod opened up in the bottom of our ship. The last thing I saw before my conciousness gave out was three peircing yellow eyes, swarming right towards me.

Auhor's Note: I am back! Hopefully I can start getting more updates out. Sorry for the long delay. Hope you liked the chapter!

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