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✨I wish you could see how perfect you are through my eyes✨

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I wish you could see how perfect you are through my eyes

We set off to the streets of Bastia. The narrows streets actually with shops of handmade jewelry that Jade and I ended up buying the same pair of necklace for our friendship. The streets screamed with music and laughter

Because of the summer heat, people were roaming around in shorts and sundresses. With smiles on their lips and big pairs of sunglasses on their eyes. Group of friends hanging and laughing together in the small cafes, foreigners blogging their experience about this city, people taking pictures of themselves and the city - I made the right choice to come here.

Jade was starved and she was drooling for a butter croissant and shakes.

We came to an opening in the middle to a crowd. Large crowd. Laughing and hooting at something between them. The symphony of saxophones being played made a smile appear on my lips as my head nodded with the rhythm. I asked, "What's going on here?" Jade shrugged "Let's see."

We made our way through the crowd which they were surprisingly polite to give us the way to the front. And I looked at children play soccer bare feet on the hot ground. But that wasn't what caught their attention. It was the guy who stood in the middle, who painted those children on his canvas. Paintbrushes tucked in the pockets of his white linen trousers as he painted nonstop. I couldn't see his face but his back as he painted. He painted like his life depend on it. I was surprised that he could do that while the kids were moving nonstop, playing with their ball. Trying to get to the goal that wasn't a net but two rocks side by side on the ground.

The guy who was painting wore a turquoise shirt that was see-through, that I could look at the outline of his back. Paint all over his trouser because he used it to wipe the paint off his brushes.

He kept working at the painting, sometimes letting out a chuckle or two because he was enjoying it. His hands working fast that when my brain tries to digest one stroke of the line, he's on to the next one in a blink of an eye. A short old man playing the beautiful melody on his saxophone with the case to his feet as people threw money in it for him. I looked at Jade as she smiled at the children but I couldn't take my eyes off of that painter. I just couldn't. Maybe because of the comfort his aura provided me.

And then he was done. He was done painting. He turned around to the people clapping for him as he tried to catch his breath. The music player stopped playing and the children stopped playing only to come up to him and looked at the painting he did of them. The player and the painter took a bow at the crowd as people clapped and hooted for him nonstop. Some whistling. The painter even winked at a girl that made her giggle, which made me smile.

He stood up straight and stretch his arms out turned his head towards the crowd around me. He smiled and I couldn't help but give him a smile of my own. Jade shook my shoulder and said, "Come on, I'm starving." I nodded my head as we made our way out of the crowd and walk down the road. I said, "That guy was amazing." She wiggled her brows "The one smiling at you or are you talking about the painter?" She snorted and I shook my head "Pure talent- both of them."

Love, Curvy | 18+Where stories live. Discover now