~•How You Met•~

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Your family had heard of a play that was being shown in town and decided that they wanted to go, dragging you along with them. No matter how much you protested, you were going and that was final. But, you wouldn't have been that upset in the first place if you had known that the star of the show was attractive.

Your eyes were glued to the male the entire show, when he left stage, you were just waiting for him to make his return, and when he was on stage, all you could do was smile.

By the end of the play, you had barely any idea what had gone on, sense most of your focus was just put into admiring the star of the show. You decided you weren't gonna lose your only chance of scoring him, so while your family was getting all ready to leave, you some how escaped from them and found your way back stage. And oh my god, it was crowded. You could hardly even move there was so many people.

You were starting to give up hope when you spotted him. And that's when it clicked, you had absolutely no idea what you were gonna say to him. You knew nothing about him, you didn't even know each other, how were you gonna introduce yourself? You really hadn't thought this one through.

You decided to just go with it. So you walked up to him and introduced yourself.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N)." You said, holding out your hand.

He shook it firmly.

"I'm Neil," he said, such a pretty name, one that would be stuck in your head for the next couple days "do I know you?" He asked.

You sighed, you were about to sound like a real creep, making your way all the way back stage to meet him. Like he was some celebrity. But you couldn't really lie to him.

"No." You admitted.


"But, you did really good and I just wanted to congratulate you." After you said those words, knowing a complete stranger thought he was good at acting, a warm smile spread across his face.

"Well thank you, are you interested in acting?" He questioned.

"Yes." You nodded, you guessed it did seem a bit intriguing.

"Well then, (Y/N), maybe we should meet up sometime." He said, taking an immediate liking towards you.


You walked down the hall, looking at all the closed doors. You were visiting your brother, who attended Welton, and upon your arrival, it quickly came to your notice that you actually had no clue what room was his. When you were about to walk past the only dorm with its door open, you decided to lean in and ask if they had any clue which room belonged to your sibling.

You knocked on the open door three times before, like I said, leaning in to ask for a bit of assistance.

"Yes?" A voice answered.

You leaned in and saw two boys, one of which, caught your attention right away.

The first of the two was a tall, lengthy boy, with brown hair and soft facial features. He was the one who had responded to your knocks.

The second was the one who had caught your eyes and peeked your interest.

He was smaller then the brown haired boy, he had dirty blonde hair, which he was starring up at you through, and he was curled up at the corner of his bed.

Making eye contact with the blonde haired on made you blush. And it seemed to make him blush a bit too.

"Uh, I was wondering if you knew which room belongs to (your brothers name, and if you don't have a brother, just make up a name)?" You asked, now stepping fully into the door way.

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