~•First Date•~

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Your first date with Neil was predictable but still romantic.

As you could have probably guessed, he took you to a play, it was just a small show in the next town over. He had caught wind of it from Mr. Keating, who helped him plan the whole thing. It was sort of a comedy, very enjoyable, but you could not remember its name for the life of you. You were too easily distracted by the boy sitting next to you.

He quickly and smoothly laced the two of your fingers together as soon as the lights dimmed and the first act started.

It was an original, obviously, and after it came to an end, you two decided to walk around the foreign town. As you two walked around the new and unfamiliar atmosphere, you conversated about your favorite characters and most enjoyed scenes, all while your hands were clasped together.

The two of you continued to window shop and talk, even after the sun had set and the streets cleared out. The only reason the two of you even contemplated calling it a day was when it started to lightly rain. And even after that, like the gentleman he is, Neil walked you all the way back home. Holding his jacket over the two of you the whole entire jearnouy.


Your first date with Todd was simple and cute.

Todd didn't really want to go far, nor did either of you want to spend money. So you agreed upon a little romantic walk around the Welton campus.

You awkwardly held hands and even got to meet some of his classmates. No one he had really talked about before. You were excited to meet Neil and a few of his other mentioned acquaintances that day, but you didn't end up crossing paths.

You ran into a favored teacher of his, Mr. Keating, who said that the two of you were "just the cutest." That statement made Todd blush.

He was a bit shy but obviously slowly opening up. He liked pointing out his favorite hang out spots and pretty views. He was absolutely adorable.


Your first date with Charlie was the only normal one you ever shared.

He took you to the movies, letting you pick the film and paying for both of you, and paying for your popcorn, drink and candy. He put his arm around you half way through the movie and he would not take his eyes off you. Every time you asked what his deal was, he would always say "You're just so pretty, I can't help it." Making you extremely flustered.

Your boy was very romantic, even if he doesn't seem the type, he totally is. Flattering you, paying for your expenses and making everything as enjoyable for you as possible is his main goal.

After that, your dates were never as calm.


Your first date with Meeks was basic but romantic.

He was a total gentleman and very classy. He took you to a fancy restaurant and complimented you every chance he got. He let you purchase what ever meal and beverage you pleased, paying for everything. He held doors for you and even pulled out your chair when you first arrived.

After the dinner, he took you dancing. It was romantic and elegant. He held you close and had to lead you at first, sense you had absolutely no idea what you were doing. He acted like a professional, like he had totally done all of this before.

He would not let the night end without a good night kiss. Which was basically a dream come true, it felt like fire works went off and sparks flew.

The dates after that were more and more random and adorable. Like, somehow sneaking into library's at night just to laugh and run around in the dark.


Your first date with Pitts was thrilling and unique.

Gerard awkwardly suggested that the two of you go tree climbing. He was so nervous to ask because it was such an odd and bizarre idea, he thought you'd laugh at him, but you were exhilarated and more than happy to take part in that activity.

You should have seen the look on his face when you mentioned how excited you were, it was like a mix of relief and acceptance.

You both nimbly climbed to the top of your selected tree, like you had been doing this together for years. Your breath was taken away once you reached the peak.

The sun cast a beautiful orange glow over your features. It was the perfect temperature, nice and breezy, not too warm but not too cold. There were birds singing all around you, humming a little melody.

You both looked out over the land below you. Everything looked so small, people looked like ants and cars looked like toys. You even made a poke at his hight.

"Is this what everything always looks like to you?"

You watched the sun set together, the breeze in your hair and his arms around your waist. He held you close and tight, claiming that he was making sure you wouldn't fall, but apart of you knew he just wanted to hold you. And that was okay.


Your first date, and a lot of the ones after with Cameron, were formal and classy.

When he picked you up, he greeted you with a bouquet of beautiful flowers. He brought you to a fancy and expensive restaurant, paying for everything himself. He held the door and pulled out your chair for you. You was very respectful to both you and the employees, setting a really good impression for your first date.

After the dinner was over and came to an end, the two of you walked around town, just talking while hand in hand. He let you wear his jacket as the night slowly become colder and colder. He obviously favored calling you "sweetie" and "love" because he didn't once call you by your actual name. Just those.

He must have kissed your hand, what seemed like, at least 20 times that night.

Now, Cameron may seem like a conventional guy, taking you on nice and classy dates, but after that first date, getting all the formal stuff out of the way, he was totally fine and down with what ever you wanted to do. If you wanted to do something more erratic for dates, he was your go to.

He was always excited for a new and enjoyable experience.


Your first date with Knox was a bit different than the usual, but still fun filled.

Knox took you to the ocean for your first date. He had heard about an excluded little beach and decided it was the perfect place for the two of you to have a romantic night together, just you and him.

You two went swimming, which included him throwing you in the water and both of you laughing and giggling while splashing each other. After that, you dried off and decided to sun tan, warming up a bit before you took a romantic walk down the beach. Hand in hand as you chatted and laughed.

He even said I love you...on the first date, which was a bit alarming but you had known each other for a bit of time by then, so it wasn't like you were complete and total strangers.


~I don't really have anything to say today. Be excellent to each other and party on, dudes!

~Written on July 5th, 2021

~Word count: 1,265

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