~•They Meet Your Parents•~

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Neil was excited, but none the less, and understandably, nervous to meet your parents. He wanted to prove that he was a great partner for you and would treat you amazingly.

He wanted to be perfect and earn their approval. And all your parents wanted was for you to be happy.

He wore his best suit, gave your mother flowers and made sure to use his best manners. Saying please and thank you, returning your fathers firm hand shake and cleaning up after himself.

Your father quickly noticed Neils nerves and literally said "Calm down, were not gonna bite you." Which only made Neil more nervous over the fact that they could tell he was stressed.

They ended up really taking a liking to Neil. They thought he was the perfect, young and respectful man for you. And when you past on the news, he couldn't be more ecstatic.


He had taken some notes from Neil before he left, but Neil was much more sure of himself than Todd was.

Your parents liked Todd, sure, but they were worried he wouldn't be strong or confident enough to protect you from everything in this world.

When they met him, he was quiet and shaky, obviously very worried. And the more he sweat, the more humiliated he became. But through everything, he still stuck to his good manners and quiet compliments.

"I just don't think they like me very much, (Y/N)." He whispered before he left, absolutely breaking your heart.


Charlie hit your mother with the basic "(Y/N), I didn't know you had an older sister." As soon as he saw your mother. And even though it was a completely obvious boot licker technique, it still worked. Your mother giggled and thanked him for the compliment, but ended up correcting him.

He made all the perfect jokes that made everyone laugh and did all the pertfect things to get your folks to take a quick liking to him.

He didn't try to be someone he wasn't to prove himself to your parents, he knew that the only person he had to impress was you. And that, in itself,  ended up impressing your parents.

Charlie was charming and funny, respectful and protective. He was the perfect guy they wanted for their kid.


He charmed your parents to say the least. He showed no signs of nerve or stress when he arrived, only sweetness and confidence.

He was constantly hitting them with new and interesting facts when the topic was brought up in conversation. He wasn't the type to show off at random moments. He was very humble.

He drew in their attention and interest. He kisssed your hands and offered to bring your dishes to the kitchen. Even offering to do the dishes.

He left that night proud of himself and earning a "We cannot wait to see you again soon, Mr. Meeks." Which drew a wide smile to his face.


Pitts, not even gonna lie, made a horrible fool out of himself. He tripped, fell, broke dishes, bumped his head, and more. He was a total mess.

It's not like he showed up a total dork, he actaully wasn't nervous at all when he first appeared. He only started to really mess up when he first bumped his head off the door frame, then broke his first plate of the night, and then spilt his drink all over the table.

After that, he just wanted to curl up and cry in a corner.

He left after shaking your fathers hand and mumbling out a sweet and sincere "I'm so sorry, but I hope to see you again."

Your parents actually weren't mad at all, surprisingly. They understood he was probably full of stress and you had told them that he was a clumbsy person in general, before he even showed up. They were not at all upset. They actually thought he was quite adorable.


Your parents were impressed to say the least.

He brought flowers for both you and your mother, and he brought some aged wine for your entire family.

He complimented your mother's cooking, her dress and how gorgous she was. He asked about your fathers work, his hobbies and asked how he had such a perfect child. He complimented your outfit choice, your hair and your looks. No one went un complimented that night.

After he left, your parents admitted that he went a bit over board, but they were happy he tried so hard to impress them and leave a good first impression.

"Tell him not to try so hard next time." Said your mother.


Your parents were very happy that you chose Knox.

He set a great first impression by being extremely talkative. There was not a silent moment, which you knew was probably due to his own nerve, but it seemed to make your parents smile. He talked about his future career path, which impressed your family, and asked multiple questions about your family tree.

In this middle of his talking spree, he did slip up and mention something you and him had gotten up to, sneaking out, a couple nights ago, that earned you a disapproving glare from your parents and earned Knox a punch in the arm from you.

But other than that little mess up, he left satisfied with both himself and the night.


~Ayy, the first five actual chapters are finally published. I hope you've liked everything so far. Be excellent to each other and party on, dudes!

~Written on July 5th, 2021

~Word count: 933

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