Chapter 10

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"Welcome to Home Cafe, the homiest place of all" the cheesy slogan was said again by the cashier as I scrub the pan thoroughly, setting it next to me to dry before moving onto the next.

Only about a week in and it's hell. The job is easy and there are honestly not many dishes so half the time I'm just sitting around making myself look busy. I need the money it's as simple as that.

I hum to myself glancing up at the clock... seven. My class doesn't start till 10 tomorrow. Maybe I should ask for extra hours. No. I need to get home and spend time with Evelyn, who should be in bed by the time I get out... urgh.

I'm shoved against the sink and all the clean dishes are pushed back into the dirty water. "Ooo Shit... might want to clean those again" one of my coworkers hisses looking between me and the dirty sink. No sympathy in his face at all.

I stay silent knowing I wanted to go home with my job and all my limbs. He smirks at me as I turn back to the sink adding more dish soap.  I blink away my anger and take it out on the dishes in front of me making sure there was no grime now stuck onto them.

"Fucking bitches think they could do whatever they want, I need more fucking pillows to put pictures on and tear up" I mumble aggressively to myself cringing when I slam the bowl a little too hard on the counter.

I double-check to make sure I didn't crack or break it, and pat the side lightly. "Sorry, little bowl" I chuckle. It honestly didn't take that long for me to re-clean the dishes because they were already clean before, I just had to make sure food didn't wash back onto them.

I quickly dried the dishes and place them away in their cabinets and drawers no thanks to the person who's supposed to be helping me today. I don't even know if it's supposed to be Jenna or Dern they didn't bother coming back to me.

I swear if they get fucking paid! I bring my hands in front of me exhaling. "Okay just go home and spend some time with Evelyn and Lily that will make everything better" I huff opening my eyes to find my manager.

"Oh shoot- sorry Ty" I hurry around him to my small locker checking to make sure I still had all my stuff. Nothing was stolen so far. I open my phone to see missed calls from Lily. I quickly call her back in a panic and she picks up immediately.

"What's wrong!? Is Evie okay! Are you okay?!" I shout frantically not bothering to be quiet. The cafe was closed and everyone was gone. I ended up working late again. Thanks to those pricks and their shenanigans.

"We're fine, where are you! The calendar says your shift ended 45 minutes ago! You should have been here like 15 minutes ago if I'm doing my math correctly, and I passed algebra with a C thank you very much" I let out a sigh of relief and chuckle.

"I'm sorry I had to work late again" I look back to see Ty there so I change my phrasing. "I ran into problems... the klutz" I nod and she growls into the phone. "Please get here soon, we miss you" she whispers and I nod. "On my way" I whisper back before she hangs up.

I don't have lots of data on this phone because ya know... money. So I can't really text or call much but I'm hoping this job will help, once I settle things with Evie.

"First paycheck tomorrow, I've already noticed you working extra so I think you'll be happy with it" he smiles patting my shoulder. "Thank you" I nod pulling my coat over my shoulders and making my way out the door.

"9:18!" I whisper-shout to myself hurrying my way down the sidewalk. Few cars pass by as I grow nearer to home. I was cold, dirty, and tired. I just wanted to shower and sleep.

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