Chapter 52

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I can't believe it. My neighbors have a fucking baby. I'm going to be so fucking homesick. They were messing around and knocking on walls all night. I was about to go give them a piece of mind but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

They showed up late last night, just as I was finally about to go to sleep. I woke up this morning to more crying from the child which soon got shushed thankfully.

I was planning on sleeping in today, but that wasn't going to happen anymore. Stretching I go into my bathroom opening the mirror to grab some pills for my headache.

Taking two I go back into the kitchen and pour myself a glass of water. Taking a few drinks I manage to swallow the pills immediately feeling the urge to throw up.

Keeping it down I take a few more drinks, before pouring the rest of it out. Maybe I can go down to the studio and practice. Get my mind off things. I go into my room and pull on some high-waisted jeans and a maroon sleeveless turtleneck. Pulling on some converse, I mess with my hair a bit.

Besides the purple tips, it was all dark brown. I just couldn't bring myself to re-dye it. Not without Lily. It felt wrong. Clutching my stomach, I grab my wallet making sure I had my punch card.

I opened the door and quickly lock it not wanting to deal with anybody's stupid pranks. "Hello, Oliver" I cringe at the voice. "What do you want Flint" I sigh turning to look at him.

"I'm so sick of your shit. We both know I'm stronger here. You can hardly stand up anymore you fat fucking oaf" I step back not expecting his words. "F-fat" my arms go around my stomach as I look down.

"Don't think I don't know about your stupid eating disorder. It's not going to help you. You'd be better off with me" he moves forward pushing me back.

I shake my head, snapping out of my thoughts. "Leave me alone! Why do you have to be so fucking obsessed with me! I don't want you and I never will- do you hear me!" I yell stepping forward.

I put my wallet in my pocket before moving closer and slapping him. "I have a boyfriend, and I love him. I don't even care if he doesn't talk to me, he's treated me better than any other guy I've been with!" I continue shouting he flinched back at first before raising his hand to slap me as well.

I cringe and grab my cheek. "You asshole" a door opens behind me but I ignore it not caring about the commotion we had caused. "Your boyfriend is in Texas remember, and here I am with you. The boy who can hardly stand up straight" he laughs and I jump at him, socking him in the side of the face.

He grabs my head and yanks me down. "As I said before pathetic, and I'm going to be dealing with your ass until you leave" he laughs as I stand back up trying to kick him.

Suddenly we're knocked to the ground as a flash of blue goes by, swinging violently at Flint. I start to focus and my eyes tear up as I see Lily. "You son of a bitch. You're lucky I got here before Axel did or you would be dealing with so much more" she yells and I turn back to find Axel standing right behind me. His face was twisted up into one of anger and my mouth opened to explain, but I closed it as he walked past me over to Flint who was standing up now.

Lily had run over to me crying and she hugged me. I hugged back not really here at the moment. I watched Axel as he stood in front of Flint. "Who are you" he spits out wiping his bloody mouth.

I grabbed Lily's fist checking them for any blood of her own. "Olive. I'm fine- just let me hold you" she whispers pulling me into another hug. "I'm the boyfriend, who is definitely not in Texas" Axel shouts before reeling his arm back to knock the man out.

Flint falls back to the ground and I lay my head on Lily's shoulder. "I thought you guys had forgotten about me" I whisper and she shakes her head kissing mine. "We wanted to surprise you, I'm sorry" she whispers and I just shake my head.

"Olive you're so thin. This isn't healthy" she cries putting her hands on my sides. "I'm sorry, I tried so hard, but I lost myself" I just broke down in her arms and she rubbed my back. "It's okay we're here now, we're here" she repeats and I nod.

"Evelyn! Where's my sister?!" I ask looking around desperately. "In our apartment" she points to the room over and I run over without thinking. I opened the door desperately looking for the child.

"Evelyn!" I yell and a tear-stained child comes running out of a room. She stops when she sees me before bursting into a sob. "O?" She cries and I nod falling to my knees.

I crawl over to the girl pulling her into a hug. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I love you so much. I missed you. Please talk to me" I whisper just crying into her shoulder now.

"You lef me!" She shouts and I nod. "I'm sorry Evelyn. I'm sorry" I continued kissing her tears away. "I wove you" she mumbles holding me tightly. "I love you too" I repeat running my hand through her long hair.

She lets me pick her up and I rock us back and forth as she blabbers random words. "I'm here now" I trail off, closing my eyes. This can't be happening. I was scared if I opened them she would be gone.

She yawns and I lay her on the couch immediately making her cry. "I'm not going anywhere" I assure her and the door closes behind us. I rub her stomach and she giggles grabbing my fingers.

"Go to sleep baby" I whisper using my other hand to massage her scalp. "Will- you be still her?" She asks wiping her tears before grabbing my hand again.

"I'll still be here" I reassure her, leaning over to kiss her chubby cheeks once again. She gurgles to herself before letting her eyes flutter shut. I continue to rub her arms and little tummy until I know she's asleep.

When she is, I couldn't help but give her one more kiss before standing. I jog over to Axel and jump into his arms. He hugs me tightly, kissing my forehead. "Has he been doing that the whole time?" Axel asked and I nodded as Lily went into the kitchen wiping her tears.

I wiped my teary eyes before moving my hands to his head pulling his lips onto mine. He wrapped his arms around me as we started a passionate make-out session. "I missed you so much" I groan pulling away for a split second just to kiss him again.

He tries to pull away but I just force him back onto me. Kissing him hungrily. I could hear Lily clapping in the background and cheering but I didn't care about her sarcasm at the moment.

He bites my lip pulling me closer to him. "Are you going to let me talk?" He asked and I shake my head kissing him again. He laughs into the kiss and I continue to pull his head closer, deepening the kiss.

I finally let him go and he smirks before kissing my neck a few times. "I love you Oliver" he mumbles and I nod kissing his cheek. "I love you too" I answer and he leads me over to the kitchen with Lily. "How are you guys here?" I ask hugging Lily again.

She just hugged me tighter. "We sold the house and furniture. Lots of shit" Lily whispers and I pull back my eyes widening. "Lily... you didn't need to" I whisper and she shakes her head. "I needed to" she then looks to Axel.

"I moved out of the apartment, sold a few things... sold my bike" Axel mutters and I gasp looking over to him. "You're kidding. Please tell me you're kidding" I beg and he shakes his head with a shrug. "It's upsetting, but I'll get over it" he looks to the ground and I instantly feel bad.

"I'm sorry guys" I look between them both. "Oliver we decided to do this because we wanted to" Lily reminds me and I'm pulled into her arms by Axel as he hugged me tightly, rocking us back and forth. "I can't believe you guys are here" I cry taking in his scent and warmth.

"Shit! We left Flint on the floor out there!" I yell starting for the door.

"Flint? Oh I forgot about him already"

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