Chapter 40

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"I'm so scared! What if I don't get picked!" I murmur walking back and forth through the living room. "Oliver." I throw my hands to my side but continue to mumble. "All that hard work and for nothing- if I don't get picked... I went through absolute shit. I treated you all like shit" I continued murmuring.

I could hear the baby giggling in the background and I move a hand to my mouth to think. "Oliver." I groan bringing my hands to my hair. "I'm going to pass out like actually pass out I wasn't stressed at first but now! Now it's really starting to hit me- dear god... somebody plan my funeral. Tell my mom I hate her" I sigh putting a hand over my heart.

"Oliver!" Lily shouts drawing my attention. "What?" I ask and she sighs shaking her head. "Been trying to get your attention for a bit now" she chuckles and I give her wide eyes.

Axel was looking over at me nodding slowly. "I'm panicking" I whine slouching over. "Don't panic you've got this!" Axel encourages me and I give him a not so confident smile. "Sure" I answer and he raises his eyebrows. "I'm serious you put some really big effort into it, ya worked hard and it looks amazing" he stands. As soon as he said big effort Lily laughed which she quickly tried to stifle.

I sent her a glare while he looked back at her confused. Axel walked over and hugged me, and I rested my chin on his shoulder looking back to my friend who had a hand on her throat and was pretending to moan. "Big effort, worked hard" she repeats his words and he looks back at her.

"Why don't we focus on me" I laugh grabbing his face forcing him to look back at me. "Okay" he gives me his adorable smile and I give him a small peck. "I've got pictures of his ass if you want some!" Lily shouts and his head whips around.

"What the fuck is going on?" He laughs and I groan going into Lily's room to grab my sister who was probably playing with her clothes. "Yeah, I've got pictures, with your handprints and everything!" She squeals and I hide my face in my sister's stomach.

"I don't even feel jealous- please send me those pictures" he surprises me with his answer and I peek out of the kitchen in absolute shock. Setting my sister down, I push my boyfriend out of the way and snatch Lily's phone.

"I need to delete those pictures" I grumble running away as I can hear Lily scramble after me. "Oliver no you look sexy in them" she whines and I run around the table frantically tapping in her password trying to find her photos.

"It was like basic bottom Oliver moments" she continues and I roll my eyes. "It was literally just my ass and sometimes my backside was in it" I remind her trying so hard to find the damn pictures. She comes towards me and I walk backward, watching her.

"I'm still surprised, I actually let you take pictures" I scoff. "I even told myself I wasn't going to tell you!" I scold myself and her smile widen as she takes a few steps closer. I back up even more only for the phone to be snatched out of my hands.

I turn to Axel repeatedly trying to grab it. He moved every time and I groan letting my head fall. "I hate you both- hate you both" I repeat making sure they heard me.

I go to the couch where Evie was staring at us with cheery eyes. "You won't make fun of me" I pout scooping her up and sitting on the couch with her. I leave kisses on the side of her head making her laugh and try to push me away. "Damn- I did that!" He laughs and I narrow my eyes at him in the kitchen as he scrolls through the phone.

"I'm serious send me those" he laughs pinching the screen to zoom in. "Fucking horn ball- language!" I remind myself slapping my head. "Owie don't hurt self!" Evelyn shouts grabbing my arm.

"I know, it didn't hurt- I was just reminding myself of something," I tell her grabbing her back. "No" she pouts poking me. "Okay, I won't" I whisper and she giggles sitting in my lap.

"He has such a nice ass, doesn't he!" Axel shouts and I hide my face in my sister's back this time. "The perfect bubble butt- I fucking wish" she checks out her own butt and then shakes her head disappointed.

"I sense home screen material" Axel sings pulling out his own phone to probably save the pictures. "You will not!" I shout. "Your home screen is fine as it is!" I remind him. It was just a picture of him and me lifting Lily. He changed his lock screen to one of the pictures we took together at the picnic.

"I'm telling ya, Oliver if art doesn't work out... underwear model" she sings and I shake my head disappointed once again. "Don't talk to me about my art not working out, god Lily" I groan going into a panic again.

"I'm so sorry Evelyn I kept getting annoyed and I was so mean and for no reason" I sigh hugging my sister tighter. "It's okie!" She smiles and I lay on my back resting her on my chest.

"Plan my funeral. Make sure the colors match- no funky vibrant crap. You're supposed to be mourning" I eye them and Axel finally sets his phone down to look at me.

"You're not dying, so no funeral," he tells me and I pout to myself. "Can't tell me what to do, I'm independent" I stay extra dramatic turning onto my side. Keeping the girl tucked into my chest.

"Okay you have your pity party, I'm going to go through my camera roll and not look at certain pictures for long periods of time" Axel chuckles followed by Lily's snickers.

I flip back around with a look of hurt. "Guys! I'm scared and anxious! Comfort me!" I complain and they both look up to me. "Independent my ass" Lily chuckles and Axel hits her shoulder lightly.

"Hey he's extremely hardworking- we got to give him some credit" he grabs her shoulder and she grabs him as they give each other knowing looks. I sat up and fixed my pout. "You're right, he needs to depend on us at least once in his life" Lily shakes her head and both look at me with a fake pout.

"I'm going to live on the street" I declare letting my sister leave my grip. She hiccups before jumping onto the couch. I let her jump up and down, making sure she stayed far from the edge.

"Have fun trying to get Evelyn to let you leave" Lily laughs and the baby looks up hearing her name. "Weaf? No weaf!?" She shouts running back over to me.

I hug the girl before kissing her head. "I'm not leaving, brother was just joking" I coo and she lets go of me wiping her cheeks. "Okie- good" she leaves me again with a smile and I watch her slide off the couch carefully before going to the others.

"I don't want to be alone" I grumble boosting myself up and off the couch. I walk around the coffee table and make my way over to them standing in between Lily and Axel.

Evie goes and stands in between my legs grabbing onto both of them. I smile down at her and she soon starts weaving through. Axel puts a hand around my waist and scoots himself closer to me.

"Do you want me to delete it?" He whispers into my ear and I look up at him surprised. "No, it's fine" I assure him and he nods as I go to look at my own phone. Lily was going to grab her portfolio wanting to show Axel and I quickly turned back to him ignoring the child hanging on my pants at the moment.

"Please don't show anybody" I plead with him and he nods. "Of course not, besides Lily my personal photographer nobody else is allowed to see you like that" he chuckles kissing my head.

"Okay thank you, I just really don't want to feel like a hoe..." I trail off and he hugs me tighter. "You're not a hoe, a hoe is somebody who has sex with multiple people and usually cheats- you've got me and nobody else. That's what you told me yourself" he reminds me and I nod giving him a small kiss.

"I love you" I hum pulling back from the kiss. "I love you too" he replies giving me another peck. "I woves oo!" Evelyn shouts in between my legs. I grab her keeping her between us.

"I love you guys as well!" Lily shouts running into the room.

"Wait- what are we talking about?"

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