84: Manal

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"Farida," I called in a subdued voice.

"Who has been buried?" Farida asked me; her eyes glistening. "Jawaad just sent you a message."

"Farida," I walked up to her and held her arm. "I'm sorry, I couldn't tell you."

She shot me a glare. "Tell me what?"

I felt tears welling up in my eyes. "Your father is late." I swallowed. "He died earli-"

Farida chuckled, humorlessly. "Who? My father? You must be mistaken! Dad can't be dead."

"I'm sorry, Farida." I enveloped her in a hug. "What happened couldn't be helped. Allah knows best. May He grant your father paradise."

Farida pushed me away vigorously. "How comes you're the one telling me about this?"


"It's not true." She vehemently shook her head. "Dad can't be gone."


"It's not true! It's not true!!" She repeated the words like a mantra. "Jawaad told me it wasn't anything serious." She cried.

"Farida, please-"

"Just leave me alone, Manal!" She yelled. "Leave me!" Farida sat on the floor and rolled herself into a ball.

Although she was pushing me away, I couldn't leave her in that condition. She was in a lot of pain. Her eyes said it all.

I sat beside her on the floor and placed a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.

For what seemed like hours, Farida sobbed. I was there to lend her a shoulder, and surprisingly, she didn't push me away.

"I'm going home." Farida sprung up. "I need to be with my family right now."

"You can't go home now." I stood as well. "It's past 7 PM already. Where are you going to get a car?"

"I will call Farouq. He's definitely going to do as I want." She draped her tears with her hand and picked her phone from inside one of her bags. "He won't say no to me."

"No, you can't." I collected the phone from her. "It's too dangerous."

"I don't care!" She cried. "I just want to go home."

"I understand," I said, fighting back tears. The more Farida cried, the more emotional I got. "but you should think about your family. What if something happens to you on the way? How do you expect them to cope with the loss of two members in a day?"

My words seemed to have gotten to her. She sat back on the ground and resumed crying.

Around 10 PM, Aisha and Radiya returned from the library. They were surprised to see Farida in that state, but when I explained to them what happened, they stopped asking questions and joined me in consoling her.

That night, none of us slept a wink.

Very early the next morning, after fajr, Farida packed a few of her belongings and told me she was traveling back home. She didn't take a bath nor change the clothes she had on. Not even a slight makeup on her face. So atypical of Farida.

I tried to convince her to wait till it was no longer dark, but she vehemently refused. She didn't want to hear anything.

I understood her though, but at the same time, I was worried about her safety.

"Is Farouq coming to take you?"

She shook her head.

"Where will you get a car by this time?" I asked, concerned.

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