89: Jawaad

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The past few days have been stressful. My work at the office was piling up. Although mum was starting to adjust to living without dad, the lackadaisical look was still there.

I had just finished signing the papers on my desk and was about to leave for home when Muhammad knocked and then walked into my office.

He took a seat on the chair opposite of me and released a breath. He seemed exhausted. "Are you leaving already?"

"What do you mean already? It's 3:15 PM. I have somewhere else to be."

"Should I take a guess?"

Before I could tell him not to bother, he went ahead and did just that.

"Manal's place?"

I ignored him.

"Aww! Look at that smile." He cooed.

"What?" Only when he mentioned that, did I realize that I was indeed smiling. "Who's smiling?"

"You can hide it all you want, I have already seen it." He teased.

I shrugged. "And what's so wrong with that?"

"Nothing." He shook his head. "Absolutely nothing. I'm just surprised."

Although I already know his answer would be, I asked; "What's making you surprised?" 

"The fact that you used to hate this girl and—"

"Wait!" I cut him off. "I never hated her. I didn't like her." I clarified. "But I didn't in any way hate her. She's Farida's friend. I liked her even then, I just couldn't see myself dating her because I felt she was a little too young for me. And for the records, no, I'm not going to see Manal. I'm going home to mum. She needs company."

"What has changed? Why do you suddenly like Manal?" Muhammad asked, ignoring my last three sentences.

"I just realized she isn't as bad as I thought." I voiced. "Before, I used to believe she is the type of lady who is fond of throwing themselves at men and all that. I used to think she is kiddish—immature, and you know I don't fancy girls like that."

"What changed your narrative of her? Because she helped save you?"

"What save?" I threw him a glare. "I could have saved myself regardless. I'm not a twerp!"

He chuckled.

"That isn't the reason." I continued. "My view of her changed when dad passed on. It just happened, plus she was there for Farida. She never left her side even for a while. It got me thinking that if she could do that for a friend, what more for a partner? Besides, mum likes her a lot. Farida has always been the one playing the matchmaker. I don't know why she always talked about Manal's suitors. Perhaps to make me jealous. She told me Manal has a lot of admirers in school—which I was not surprised to know. I mean, she's beautiful. Very beautiful."

Muhammad gave me a knowing smile.

I sneered and continued; "But Manal never accepted any of them. According to her, it's because she still has feelings for me. But I doubt that."

"Why?" He furrowed his brows. "I think Farida is right though."

"If that's the case, why has she been difficult?"

"What do you mean?"

I sighed. "I told her I want to be in a relationship with her. I even added that we could be friends first, so as not to make her think I have an ulterior motive."

"And she rejected you?" He asked, wide-eyed.

"As in." I blew out my cheeks. "She claims that she wants nothing to do with me ever again."

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