13: Manal

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The past few weeks had really been enjoyable for me. Hassana and Hussaina were there to keep me company and help in household chores - a total relief for me. Imran wasn't a pain in the neck anymore, as he was preoccupied with spending time with his favorite cousin.

I was saddened when they left a week ago. Had it been up to me, I would have wanted them to stay for good. Their presence made the house less boring than it always was. But because their school had resumed activities, they had no choice, but to fly back to Dubai.

A week, was what was left for me to start university. I had already had my bags packed. All necessities had been bought. Abii gave me more money than I had demanded for provisions and other things I would need. For some inexplicable reason, I felt nervous. Farida said it was normal to feel that way, but why didn't it seem that way to me. I was excited - no doubts about that, but a larger part of me wasn't. Ummi was right when she said I had never really been away from home and me going to study in a different city, was a deal; a big one.

My gaze travelled about my room, in a somewhat edgy manner. I was only leaving for school - a period of five years, but why did it seem like I was leaving for good. The feeling settled in the pits of my stomach.

Gloomily, I left my room for ummi's, but didn't find her there, so I checked the balcony of her room. Fortunately, I found her there. She was on talking on phone with abii - I knew that for a fact, due to the expression she had on; her eyes had a shimmering splendor in them and a huge smile was plastered on her face. In all the years I had spent with them, I had only seen them argue countable number of times. Maybe once or twice. They may have their disagreements, but definitely not in front of us. Their relationship never ceased to amaze me. It was unique - the exact type of relationship I looked up to, but greatly doubt I'd be able to get. I admired their relationship. I had heard lots of love stories, but theirs was my favorite.

"Manal?" Ummi put the phone away from her ear for a while. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Just now." I responded. "Is that abii on the phone?" Although I knew the answer to my question, I kind of wanted a confirmation.

"Yes." She put the phone back to her ear and then put it away away. "He wants to speak to you."

I quickly walked up to her and collected the outstretched phone. "Assalamu'alaykum, abii." I smiled.

"Wa'alaykum salam warahmatullah, princess. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine, abii. How are you doing? How's work? When are you returning?" I bombarded him with series of questions.

"One question at a time." He chuckled.

"Don't blame me, abii. I miss you so much. You've been gone for almost a week now and you didn't even bother to call me." I pouted. "I called you earlier, but you weren't able to pick up."

"Sorry, princess. I was in a conference meeting. I'm doing alright and I really really miss you too."

"When are you coming home? Before I leave for soon, right?"

"In shaa Allah. I'll try my best to wrap things up and then return. How's preparation? Is there anything you need me to get you from Zimbabwe?"

"No, abii. I just want you back." I sulked. "Please come home soon."

"I will. Hope you're taking care of my habibty in my absence."

Not knowing what reply to give, I chuckled in response.

"Is Imran close?"

"No, he isn't. It's just me and Ummi."

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