iCan't Do This

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*This is the big chapter. My version of iKiss. The timing is set up differently. That's not a mistake just an FYI.* 


The rest of the week went by. No mentions of what Carly said. Just the usual...iCarly rehearsal, writing the script, hanging out. No mentions of anything between me and Carly, and I didn't tell Freddie because I didn't wanna betray her trust.

I don't know how she just came out and said it to be honest...I have no clue how I'm going to tell her that I worked out my feelings and decided...that's not important right now. 

Well, it's Friday. Yesterday, Freddie pulled a "prank" on me, and decided to handcuff me to Gibby. He did that because I wouldn't tell him what Carly had said on Monday night. I was basically sworn to secrecy. 

After school today, I got a call from Carly asking if I wanted to go see a movie, to which I said yes. After that, we hung out with Spencer for a minute before going upstairs to watch tv. 

Carly and I were watching tv, sharing a bowl of popcorn when Freddie walked in with a baseball bat. 

"Hey. What's with the baseball bat?" Carly asked. 

"Nothing. As long as Sam keeps her distance." He replied, sitting at the beanbag farthest away from me. 

"Don't worry. I'm too tired to get you back." I told him, leaning my head back. Carly laughed. 

"Good. So...how was 'The First Kiss'?" He asked, looking directly at me. I know he meant the movie but it still made both Carly and I blush furiously. Well Carly did. My cheeks just got a little bit hot. 

"It was awful." Carly responded. 

"I warned you it was going to be terrible." He laughed. "I mean, even the title, 'The First Kiss', is terrible." 

"I know." said Carly

That sparked a question. I turned to Carly. "Who was yours?" 

"My what?" she asked me. 

"Your first kiss!" I said. 

"Sam..." She said. I don't know if she trusted me or not to tell her secret. 

"Come on! We're all friends here!" I said. "Well, two friends and a coworker. Who was your first kiss?"" 

"Okay. It was Ben Hoobsher." She said. 

Freddie laughed. "Nobody's last name is Hoobsher." 

"Yes, it is." Carly replied. "He kissed me under a kumquat tree and his lips tasted like potato salad." 

Wow. So romantic. Even Fredweird could do better. 

"Was it good?" I asked, grinning and thinking about potato salad. 

"Just an average little kiss." She replied. 

"Oh, no. The potato salad."

"Oh, yeah. Really good." 

"Nice." I had to come up with a lie fast. "My first kiss was with Buddy Hinten at a cuddlefish concert in a porta-potty." 

"Hmm. So romantic." Teased Freddie. 

"Whatever. All I know is, now, I can't stop playing thinking about potato salad. Does that little market across the street stay open late?" I asked. 

"Yeah. 'Til 10:00." Carly said, taking a handful of popcorn. 

"Does that skeevy guy still hang out in front?" 


"I'll be back." I said, taking the baseball bat and leaving. 

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