iKissed Carly

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She was in the studio. Listening to Taylor Swift's new album. 

I ran over to her threw my arms around her, and pressed my lips to hers. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...I couldn't believe I just did that. I just kissed Carly. For 8 seconds. After I ran away from Freddie.

It's the first kiss, it's flawless really something....it's Fearless. The SOng played in the background, perfect timing. 

"I don't know what that was, Sam, but please do it again." She told me, pulling me in for another.

"So, I guess the talk with Freddie went well." She said sarcastically after the second kiss.

"I hurt him bad. Again. And I just know it." I was on the verge of tears. "He doesn't deserve it." I burst into tears. Carly pulled my head onto her shoulder, and let me cry. 

"Did I mention you are a great kisser?" She told me with a smirk after I calmed down. 

I laughed.  "Thank you very much." I said to her. "I feel like...maybe you should go talk to Freddie this time. But no kissing him."  



I was completely dazed. I can't believe she just did that. she was supposed to be talking to Freddie. 

I'm not sure how to fix Freddie's problem. Sam should be the one fixing it. But I will do anything for Sam. 

"Hey Freddie." I said to him once I reached the fire escape. 

"Carly." He said. 

"I'm really sorry about Sam. She should be the one coming to fix this...but last time that happened she ran away. And well..." I trailed off. 

"Well..." He Sounded curious. 

"That's a story for another time.  Anyway, nothing can fix this problem. Except this." I pulled out my phone and showed him a text my friend Wendy sent. It read: Hey Carly I watched iCarly tonight, and what Sam did was a really shitty thing to do. If you want to show this to Freddie...maybe I can be his first kiss?

"Wendy? Your hot friend? Yes please." He said. I'm surprised he kind of agreed to this. "But I want to spend time with her first. Maybe share mine with someone very special." He winked. I didn't even realize Sam was behind me. That's who he winked to. 

I smiled back at Sam, who gave me a flirtatious one back. Freddie was smiling too. Ear to ear. 

I didn't really know what this meant for Sam and I, but I know it's definitely better than being hopelessly in love with her. 

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