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A quiet storm

"We were supposed to capture them. I told you specifically not to kill!" Nile yelled at the squad who chased the twins after finding out that Alexis Karpov was the casualty. The reason Nile was so worked up is that he's afraid. Afraid of what Tanya will do to him after killing her sister. She may be in holding for now but knowing her, Tanya can easily break their necks once given the chance.

The three survey corps higher ups have arrived and heard everything that happened. Not knowing what to feel now that Tanya's sister died.

Levi was relieved that it wasn't Tanya who was shot. He didn't care about Alexis, especially after she framed Tanya, she pissed him off big time. But he knew that Tanya will not take this lightly, she lost her sister, that's what made him furious.

The loud atmosphere of the room changed when Erwin threw a solid punch onto Nile's face, presence emitted pure anger while Hanji tried to calm him down. Levi, on the other hand didn't bother.

"You killed Alexis what the hell were you thinking?!" Erwin's voice echoed throughout the room as his rage takes over him. Sure he didn't know Alexis very well but one thing was for sure, Erwin doesn't want her dead. Especially now that Tanya had already bonded with her.

"It was an accident. My officers are in pursuit of the twins and one thing led to another--" Nile's sentence was cut off when the council room's door opened, revealing Darius Zackly and Commander Pyxis following him from behind with a flask on hand. Nile was a bit relieved.

"Take your seats officers. We have important matters to discuss." He said as he sat on the center chair. Darius was simply in a good mood today, anyone can tell. Preston Karpov who has been wanted for months is finally dead, which was not a problem since he's already in line on death row once he's caught, plus, the person responsible for the massacre is also dead, and Tanya Karpov is in custody. He's so satisfied tha he might just break in laughter at any given moment.

"So, Alexis Karpov has been taken down last night while running from the military police." He started. Commander Pyxis perks up upon hearing him.

"Alexis Karpov? Didn't she die already?" Pyxis asked while the three gave him a plain look. He may be drunk but he knows that Alexis died when Grace Karpov was ambushed by those assassins.

"No, Commander Pyxis. She resurfaced back when Tanya is supposed to be executed. I must say I'm thankful she interfered." Erwin said while sparing a dark glance on Darius. Come to think of it, Where was Pyxis all these time?

The garrison Commander widens his eyes a bit, he was too focused on his regiment (and his drinking) that he didn't even heard about the massacre, or Tanya being almost executed.

Darius puts both his hands up in surrender." Hey don't look at me like that Erwin. We all have our mistakes."


"But I do have to re-evaluate Tanya Karpov's case. Right now she's in military police custody and--"

"Wait, Tanya is here?" Erwin stood up immediately followed by Levi whose eyes are now wide open.

"Yes, and I currently am formulating a sentence for her."

"You better not execute her old man, that Alexis Karpov was the one responsible for the massacre and you know it." Levi said bitterly, leaning forward from his chair. Everyone could sense the dark aura radiating from him.

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