Early Mornings

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Tanjiro got little to no sleep that night. His mind retracing the steps he took to get to that situation with Shinobu. He wasn't upset to learn more about Y/N, but now that's all his mind thought about. The way her hair was styled, the way her smile was in the portrait, how you were able to tell her whole personality just through the way she was painted. Even though the portrait was just a picture, it was so fluid, it told a story. The sun was starting to peek through the blinds in his room, casting a small- yet bright light into his room. He heard Nezuko shift and gently grunt as she was woken up by the light. Tanjiro turned to face her, Nezuko's gentle features made Tanjiro sad. He outstretched his arm to reach out to her.

But before Tanjiro was able to make contact with his little sister's head there was a small knock on the door. While the sun was still rising, it was still early. His mind flashed a picture of Shinobu crying, how miserable she must be after all these years without her love. Quickly he got up without a second thought, he would be there for her. She would never have to feel alone ever again. He answered the door, aggressively sliding it open.

"Shino-!" To Tanjiro's surprise it was Kanao. She was already dressed in her uniform, with her hair nicely and professionally done. A bright blush flew across her face as she looked at Tanjiro. She wasn't expecting him to be in his pajamas, let alone to open the door with such eagerness. Tanjiro's surprised gaze softened when he realized how flustered Kanao was.

"Ah! Kanao! Good morning to you!" He smiled and nodded, Nezuko slipped in behind him smiling at Kanao, wishing her a good morning. Tanjiro threw his hand behind his neck, "Apologies for my rudeness but, why are you here so early?"

Kanao shifted her eyes, she looked up and down at Tanjiro, she shook her head and sighed. "We're supposed to be working the breakfast rush together. I told you last night before I left dinner." She handed a small apron to Tanjiro that she had in her hands, "It looks like you forgot, better hurry, wouldn't want to make Shinobu-Sama mad on your last day!" She flashed Tanjiro a playful smile before she turned and began making her way towards the kitchen.

Tanjiro sighed, he completely forgot. Between training and speaking with Shinobu he completely forgot he had to work a breakfast shift, and that today was his last day at the Butterfly Estate. He quickly changed into his uniform and secured the apron onto his body before fixing his hair. He looked at Nezuko who had already gone back to sleep in the darkest corner of the room. He waved her goodbye as he shut the door and began on his way to the kitchen. On his way he ran into an employee who reminded him to pack his stuff and to be out of the room before dinner service started. He was allowed to stay for dinner, but he and his belongings had to be out of the room in order to clean it and prepare it for the next guest.

He walked into the kitchen and dining area where people had already started to eat. It sure was early but people were already wide awake, of course they were, everyone had a different schedule after all. Kanao greeted him with a smile, "I got the front tables, you take the left side of the room!" Tanjiro gratefully nodded and walked to the least busy side of the room. He began to clean and refill drinks.

There was only about 20 minutes left of service when the pillars walked in. They were granted the last 20 minutes of service all to themselves. Tanjiro looked at the group as they sat together, he noted that Tengen Uzui and Kyojuro Rengoku were missing from the group. Shinobu was seated next to Sanemi and across from Mitsuri. She was smiling and laughing like nothing ever happened last night. When Tanjiro walked past her she turned and tugged on his apron, "After you get your next mission orders come speak to me please."

Tanjiro nodded and continued to work. Luckily the hashira weren't ones to be very needy, they all left at different intervals with Muchirio leaving first and Giyuu leaving last. Tanjiro grabbed some food and quickly shoved food into his mouth, Kanao was nowhere to be found, and he didn't have the time to look for her. After he finished eating he washed off his dishes as he hurried to his room to go and pack. As he passed down the hallway the clock hit 10 a.m. pretty soon the lunch service would start. He slowed down his pace as he passed down the hallway with the portrait. He made a quick look at it, careful to not spend all day looking at it- Y/N's portrait looked as if she had tears streaming from her eyes. Shocked, Tanjiro shot a second look and- it must've been his mind playing tricks on him. There were no tears on her face. Only Y/N's glowing smiling face with no trace of sadness or discomfort. 'Weird, it must be my brain playing tricks on me, shaming me for getting no sleep last night.'

He turned into his room pulling the doors open to find Nezuko playing with Tanjiro's messenger crow. To Tanjiro's pleasure Nezuko had already packed the room and the only thing that was out of place was the pillows she was sitting on. Tanjiro smiled, praising Nezuko as he greeted her with a hug. The crow made its presence known by constantly cawing. Tanjiro waved his hand annoyingly as he sat down and looked at the crow. "Are you going to tell me my orders, or am I supposed to guess?" He smiled with a hint of aggression. The crow looked at him, " Caww, You're going to give attitude to a crow?"

"Whatever- your orders are to go to the city located on the map and to hunt and slay the demon that has been terrorizing the citizens. Any specifics on the demon and the town are listed on the back of the map! Caww!" The crow lifted up its foot to reveal the tiny folded paper. Tanjiro picked up the map and examined its details carefully, the city was located in the mountains, and was best known for its distribution and selling of ice. Tanjiro rolled the map up and stuck it into his pocket as he went to meet Shinobu.


"My, already back in the business I see." Shinobu laughed as she read through the details of the mission. She was nearing the end of the page when she froze. Her whole body stiffened as she traced the word of the city with her finger, making sure she wasn't mistaken.

Tanjiro nodded and smiled, not noticing Shinobu's tense presence, "Can't say I'm excited to leave, but I'm glad to be out helping people again!" He turned to face Shinobu. His smile dropped. "Shinobu" He walked over to her confused. "Is it too far for your comfort?" He didn't know what was bothering her.

She looked up at him, "Y/N's breathing style was ice, which came from water." Tanjiro nodded, he was constantly learning about new breathing styles and what not, so ice wasn't something to surprise him. He waited, when suddenly his heart dropped.

"Y/N was sent to this village because she could use the ice to her advantage. If she would have returned she would've killed well over 50 demons. She would've been a hashira.... The ice pillar."

Tanjiro ran over to Shinobu grabbing the map looking at it more intensely. He looked at her, eyes heavy.

"So this is the city that Y/N died in."

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