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Except there was no noise that came out of Y/n's mouth. Tanjiro came sprinting around the wall screaming about how reckless Shinobu was when he met her gaze, which led into the beautiful eyes of Y/n. She was standing there, ever so gracefully. Even with such composure Tanjiro could smell the fear she gave off, she was worried. Shinobu's eyes were wide as she took in Y/n, "Your hair," Y/n shook her head. She held up a finger to her mouth. Douma already knew of Tanjiro and Shinobu's entrance, but that doesn't mean all the other demons had to as well. Y/n had to find a safe and secure place for them. Ideally they would leave, and never return. She had no idea what they wanted and what they even came here for. The mansion was far, far too dangerous for humans. Which is partially why Y/n loved living here, it made it difficult for her to ever harm a human. Shinobu lunged forward, attempting to embrace Y/n in a hug, but Y/n shoved her off. Y/n was breathing heavily, she felt an intense desire in the pit of her stomach. She had to get out of there.

"Leave." She gritted through her teeth, Shinobu held a shocked expression on her face, "What? No, that's not fair, you can't do this Y/n. I'm here, I finally found you. I'm so sorry it took so long, love."

Y/n rolled her eyes, she felt nothing positive towards the woman. Not that she didn't want to, she simply didn't understand. But the way Shinobu was standing there so helpless made Y/n want to understand. Tanjiro felt goosebumps rise on his skin as Douma walked through the hallway to meet the commotion gang. "Ah, seems my senses were correct! Except I don't recall you..." he made a gesture towards Tanjiro, "You seem a little young compared to these two..." He changed his wording, "Compared to your butterfly girl." Douma's choice of words were cruel. Y/n tensed when he mentioned her lack of aging. She never really noticed how little has changed in the few years of her demon-hood. But now that Douma mentioned it, there was change, and that broke Y/n's heart even more.

Shinobu shifted her footing, "You did this? Why? You gave her a cursed fate. A fate worse than death. You monster." Tanjiro placed his hand onto his sword, something about Douma's attitude made him feel uncertain, he wasn't physically aggressive, but his demeanor was deadly. After all, he heard stories of the cruel upper ranked demon and Y/n was living proof as such....sorta... Douma looked slightly pained as he heard Shinobu's insult, "Not true, how could you say a fate worse than death when you two now have the chance to meet now again! I am a true match maker, quite generous if you ask me." He gave Y/n a slap on the back, which made her fall forward slightly. Douma smiled, though it was not a kind one, "You should really get going. If you leave now and maintain a good pace and head east down the mountain it should lead you straight to a new village. That way you have some chance at survival. If you stay here you have no chance. At any given time there's approximately 30 demons living here, although you seem to have hit luck! I can only sense about 23." He wrapped his arm around Y/n's waist, "It was really nice catching up with you butterfly, however if you don't want them to catch up," he gestured to some demons sleeping peacefully on a couch in an open room not far away. "I would leave."

Tanjiro turned his back, he would assume that was their dismissal. But Shinobu wasn't behind him. "No. Not without Y/n."

Y/n lifted her gaze and her eye's met Shinobu's, something washed through her in that moment. She felt the kind embrace of her, except Shinobu hadn't moved. She felt the soft kiss on her lips, the sun hitting her face, the giggles that stopped her from breathing. Were these her memories as a human consuming her consciousness? She wanted to go, to be human, to be normal, to be with Shinobu like they once were. But it was too dangerous, Y/n was still a demon, and a young one at that. Would she be able to control herself, not to mention the dangers that humans present. Being with Shinobu meant living in a human world, they met as demon slayers, it wouldn't work. Douma let out a laugh as he wiped his eyes, "Truly a gift, I am very thankful some humans still possess humor." He fanned himself dramatically as he turned his back, "Simply forbidden love, so sad. Believe I read it in a book once, very tragic." He looked back over his shoulder, "Yet satisfying. Comforting to know that there is still an order strong enough to keep the two divided." Douma let his head drop for what seemed as a small moment before turning around fully to meet the two, "The humans can stay the night. However I, and Y/n are not responsible for your safety." He held Y/n's hand, "You may not harm any demons that attempt to enter the room. You may lock the doors, windows and any vents. But if they successfully enter, you may not kill or threaten them. This is their home before humans." Y/n gave one brief nod, Douma shifted his attention back to Shinobu and Tanjiro, "The sun is setting. Go ahead and make your choice."

"We'll stay."

The next thing Tanjiro knows he and Shinobu are quickly ushered up two flights of stairs into a room, Y/n quickly locks the door, pushing a desk in front of it. She then moves to the window and pulls it shut. She places a vase in front of it and pulls the curtains. She shoves the bookshelf across a small vent on the floor, attempting to cover it, while still letting air into the room. Y/n sighs, she sits on the bed with her head in her hands. She didn't want this, when she woke up this morning she imagined just thinking about what she would say if she even got the chance to see Shinobu again. But now, she was in the same room as her and her sidekick until morning. Y/n couldn't even promise they would be safe from her, although she could say the same about them. By securing the door, windows, and vents, she also trapped herself in the same room as two demon slayers. If Y/n wished for death, she was about to meet her lips.

Tanjiro looked around the room awkwardly as Shinobu sat next to Y/n, she looked so small and frail compared to Y/n's muscular demon build. Tanjiro found a book on the bookshelf, he could tell it was far too complex for him to understand yet he picked it up anyways. He headed towards the bathroom, he wanted to give the girls some space.

"Your beauty is still unmatched." Shinobu said looking at her feet, for the first time in years she was flustered, she was embarrassed. Y/n lifted her head from her hands, and tilted her head towards Y/n, "Maybe, but you're getting kinda close." Shinobu smiled and looked into Y/n's eyes. "Hey, do you remember that one day we went to watch the sunset by the found a baby fox. It was my favorite!" Shinobu's face was light and held hope. Y/n's shoulders dropped, her eyes slightly dulled, "I don't. I don't really know anything." Y/n stood up. Shinobu pulled the back of her shirt, "Don't leave. Please, sit back down," Y/n looked back, Shinobu's sad expression broke her heart. "I don't know anything about you. Or me for that matter. I just learned of my new demonic birth. All I know about you is what you told me or what I saw 2 hours ago." This was Y/n's call for help. Shinobu tried to read her, but suddenly it seemed impossible, "Two hours ago?" Shinobu questioned.

"Douma, the guy you met early, he's responsible for this. I was able to see how and why I was turned." Y/n gestured to a large scar on her leg, "It's pretty much healed by now." Shinobu's eyes widened, the scar took up most of her leg, it reached from her ankle all the way to her hip bone. "I am so sorry Y/n. If I had the ability to go back in time and change everything I would." Y/n shook her head, "It doesn't matter, from what human me said, you weren't even supposed to be there. So no point in you getting hurt. Plus I didn't do it to be all hero-like." Y/n shifted closer to Shinobu, she lowered her head getting in Shinobu's face. Y/n whispered, "I did it for you." Shinobu's face burnt red, but she couldn't let go. Not now, not ever. She moved her face backwards and down, giving Y/n eyes that were nearly irresistible.

"Then let me remind you."


a/n:  HAPPY ONE YEAR TO THIS STORY WOOT WOOT!!!! honestly thinking back to when I first started this I pretty much thought it would be done in a year..... but with life coming in the way, and me forgetting about this story every other week it has taken much longer. To be honest I've changed how I want the story to end a hundred different times I feel, and I fear I might do it one more time. I'm in between two different plot lines that are drastically different, but who knows. Also another chance of honesty.... I almost forgot about updating again today.... I was playing genshin and then forgot that I promised an update today. Either way, thank you for being apart of this journey, I truly do appreciate all of you! Happy one year anniversary <33

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