Chapter 11: Children

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"Go to hell. Filthy scums."

Avy looked down at the two men shaking and wriggling around as if they were having a seizure because of the electric shock they got from the shattered lightning magic stone. It was satisfying, her towering figure was the last thing the two men saw before losing consciousness.

"A-are they dead?" the little kid named Tertius was shaking, holding the smaller boy's hand who was still crying because of what happened.

"What? Of course not. The book says that low-quality stones as small as those only have more or less fifty in power, if it's pertaining to volts, which is I am certain of, it's just enough to make grown-ups pass out." she answered.

The little boy, who of course, didn't understand a single thing she said, just ignored her and went to the other kid who was leaning on the wall groaning in pain.

"Leo, can you stand up? Let's go back to the house." he said as if it was just a common occurrence to be beaten up to death by men a lot older than them.

"But Tertius, what if these men come looking for us again? Mrs. Lewis will get in trouble." the little kid named Wilton tugged Tertius' dirty tattered clothes.

"I... I don't know." the boy stated, fear is clearly visible in his brown eyes.

"You did something, didn't you?" Avy commented, making the three look down in shame. The expression they had on their faces and their reaction just confirmed Avy's suspicions.

"All we did was take some silver coins to buy food." Leo said.

Avy clicked her tongue and picked up her bag. "Poverty does exist in different worlds."

"We can't do anything about it, we'll starve." Tertius told her before crouching down to take the dirty bread and fruits on the ground.

"Hey. Hey. That's dirty."

"I told you, Lady. We'll starve. We don't have anything to eat."

Avy's frown became deeper, she's never experienced getting hungry without anything to eat even in her past life. But she's not dumb but to understand what the kids are going through. She could turn a blind eye, but like what she always says, her conscience won't let her sleep.

"Fine. Get up, I'm buying you food."

"B-but how about these men–"

"I was planning to send them to jail in the first place. Now come." she said, they were hesitant at first but nevertheless, followed her out of the alley. And just as they step out in broad daylight, they saw a couple of knights wearing black and red uniforms walking from afar.

"It's the Ravens..." she heard Leo mutter beside her.

'They look like those Knights in the Estate.'

"Come with me." she told the children and the four of them walked up to the knights, Avy of course, still has the hood covering her face or she might get reported to her father'' that she's been sneaking out of the Mansion without any company.

"Excuse me."

"Can I help you?" the Knight in his early thirties said politely with a straight face but when his gaze landed on the children with bruises and scratches, his facial expression became a little harder.

"I was robbed."

"May I know the details, Miss? Are you hurt somewhere?"

"No. I actually chased the thieves and saw them beating these poor kids. I used magic when they weren't looking and knocked them out by luck." she lied, she couldn't possibly tell people that she chased them because of a broken Toy.

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