Chapter 13: Bloody night

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The Arkwright family has a very long history that goes beyond what people of the Kriseon Empire know. They were already there when the Empire was found and stood side by side the Imperial Family during Wars, defending in the frontlines and keeping the peace from the inside.

They were known to be the brain of one of the mightiest nations on the continent and there is no such person who doesn't know the name Arkwright. Home of scholars, well-known figures, and prodigies that ruled in many fields, keeping the power existing in the Empire in balance by sheer presence alone. They were the reason why no one has even gone against the Imperial Family because they have the Arkwrights supporting them in the shadows.

And a person could only dream of entering the estate if they have the abilities required to be able to work under the family that everyone regards as superior in every way. And the first thing on the list is that...

One has to be ready to spill blood to protect what needs to be protected.

"BEHIND YOU MARIEL!!" one of the maids named Clara shouted at Avy's personal maid.

They were fighting against unknown men, but the strange thing was, all they have were knives and nothing else.

"Why can't we use our magic?!" a maid named Louisa exclaimed before knocking out the man in black.

"They're using magic restricting stones." another named Gina stated and picked up the knife on the floor. "Look. It's embedded in the knife's handle." she added.

There was indeed a small black stone in the middle. It may have been the reason why they are unable to use any kind of magic while fending off the perpetrators.

"Stop chitchatting and let's go check the others!" Mariel told them and immediately went out of their shared room, still in their nightwear when they suddenly heard the voice of their lady from her room.

"MARIE!!" although it was just a faint shout because her room was located at the third floor, all of four of them looked at each other in terror after the crashing sound of something that broke in the marble floor followed Avy's yell.

"Call everyone! I will check on the lady–" she was cut off by a knife that flew towards their direction, luckily, it missed her face.

"No..." Clara trailed off when more and more assassins surrounded them.

"It seems like their goal is to kill all of us."

"His Highness and the Young Master are in danger too...!" said Gina, the four of them had their backs against each other so that they will be ready to attack.

But before they could move, the men dropped on the floor one by one, their necks were slit open and only one remained standing.

"You were left alive for a reason." Raux, the Estate's cook said in a low tone, his knife pointed at the assassin's neck. They don't even deserve to be called assassins, compared to him, they were only mere dogs swinging their blades.

"Sir Raux!!" the maid said in delight

The assassin tried to put on a fight but of course, failed miserably after Raux just pinned him on the floor.

"Speak." he commanded but the man didn't answer and stayed still. Raux frowned, he exactly knew what he did and checked his pulse to confirm it.

"He took his own life." he stated.

"AH!!" came the faint voice of the Lady of the House from upstairs.

"S-sir Raux! The lady!" Mariel said in distress.

The trusted cook stood up and ran to their Lady's rescue with such speed that even the maids couldn't keep up with him.

"Go on without me. I'm going to find the others." stated Gina and ran in the opposite direction.

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