Chapter 27: Broken Pieces

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When Avy's consciousness came back, she couldn't do anything and could barely open her eyes. She couldn't feel her whole body and it was hard to breathe. Her eyelids were heavy as if she was being forced to sleep again but she tried to fight that urge when she heard voices from a distance.

"The rebel is dead, My Lord. It turns out the Lady had wounded him with the poisoned knife. It wasn't just a paralyzing poison, although it is a symptom."

"This is the third time."

"And all of it happened under our watch."


"Under our own roof!"

"I will take any kind of punishment, My lord. I was the one who left the Lady by herself."

"I am also ashamed as the Captain of the knights supervising the prisoners, My Lord."

"This is no time for such things. Do not let any words about this incident go beyond the walls."

"But Your Grace, the Lady just got poisoned-"

"And she's capable of handling this simple of a matter. It may only be known to a few but poison cannot take her life. It is useless to waste time worrying when it helps nothing."

Avy's mind was hazy and she was only able to catch the conversation until that last sentence. She didn't feel the need to listen and finally gave in to sleep. Figures. It will take time for her to be accustomed to her new world's way of presenting problems. She's inside a fantasy novel after all.


"Will sister be alright, Father?" Ciel stared at his sister's peacefully sleeping face in melancholy. He was once again not by her side when she needed help. He was sitting on the foot of the bed where she was laid. They still haven't left the headquarters and decided to let Avy rest inside one of the rooms of the main building's top floor which is basically Gehenna's heart. It would be the most difficult to infiltrate because of the level of security surrounding every floor leading upstairs which was doubled because of the commotion that happened.

"This is not the first time she was poisoned and got back on her feet the next day. Let her be."  the Duke answered, he and the Lord were sitting on the chairs around the mini table a couple of meters away from the bed, Mariel, Luviene, and Clerivan standing on the side.

Ciel frowned at his Father's answer. "How are you certain that it would be the same this time, Father?" he asked. "Even if  she survives, we all know she feels everything, are you turning a blind eye about it?"

"We don't have any options."

"Then make one!" everyone, including the second prince who was sitting on a chair on the other side of the bed was surprised hearing the youngest Arkwright raise his voice, more importantly, at his Father who he respects and obeys without fail.

"You're a powerful man, Father. There is nothing you can't do-"

"I can do nothing right now." the Duke cut him off, leaving him speechless. 

"She was treated with Devine Magic, her condition worsened. We tried healing magic, and it did nothing. I can't risk your sister's life trying another method when the best one almost sent her to her deathbed." 

Ciel couldn't fathom why the Duke always acts nonchalantly when the matters involve his sister. He couldn't understand if he really cares about her or is it just his obligation to take action. Maybe he's too shallow to understand?  

"But she's always hurt because of us. What if she gets tired and leave?" 

No one was able to answer his question. Even the Duke and the Lord kept quiet. 

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