Part 1: Creator Trouble

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Ink's Pov:
   I was talking to a creator when I heard another come from behind. I turned my head to see which one it was, while still talking to the first. I turned back to the one I was talking to, and he pulled out a piece of paper. He showed it to me, but it was just a drawing of an autumn leaf. I looked at him, and slanted my head to the side as a gesture of confusion. He was just about to explain as I saw a shadow that was not mine in front of me. We both looked to see who it was, and it was the same person who was walking around earlier. The creator beside me asked what they needed, and she asked if I could talk to her in privacy. I accepted, but I looked at the boy I was just talking to. He seemed a little disappointed that he never got to explain, but he told me to go with her. I stood up on the bright green grass, and walked out of the shade of a tree we were sitting under. (A/N: FC stands for female creator)

(I) Do you need something?

(FC) Why else would I want to talk to you?

(I) Oh, well.. My deepest apologies! What do you need?

She looked at me with a smirk and slanted her body so most of her weight was on one foot. She also crossed her arms, but then turned them into fists and put them on her waist. Was this a pose humans liked to do?

(FC) You know, you aren't that good of a protector..

One of my eyes turned into an light orange explamation point, while the other turned into a baby blue teardrop.

(I) What do you mean..?

Even I could tell there was a hint of sarrow in my voice, but I tried keeping it to a nice calm tone. She kept going on and on about how Dream and Blue would always do the work on fighting the bad guys, and I was just avoiding attacks in the back. Trying to keep my voice calm, I told her that I was trying my best, but I was cut off after the word 'best' by a familiar voice. It was the boy I was talking to earlier! Surely he would stand up for me! He started telling the girl she shouldn't be rude, but he also agreed with what she said before. About Dream and Blue doing all the work. I told them I was going to head home, and right before I jumped into my portal, I could hear one of them saying something...

(FC) Whatever Crybaby Ink!

Had she called me a crybaby because of my eye? Those stupid things! They always make it impossible to hide whatever emotion I WANT to hide. I teleported to in front of my house and approaching the door, there was a sign beside it that read: Star Sanses Home! (Which includes Dream, Ink, and Blue!)

(I) Heh..

I always find it amusing that it says whose in the group in brackets. I walked to the sign, and take the key that's taped on the back of it. Since its up against the wall, it hides the key completely. I unlock the door, then create two pieces of tape to tape the key back on. I open the door then lock it behind me. After locking the door I turn around to see Dream making food. I look over his shoulder to see what he was making, but it was hard to see because of how short I am. Sure, Dream is shorter, but only by a centimeter. I backed away to make sure I didn't scare him, then coughed to show I'm here.

(D) Oh! Hey Ink! Did anything special happen with the creators today?

(I) Not really, one creator quit, and another called me a crybaby..

(D) I'm sure your exaggerating, but why would they say that?

I explained it to dream, but he still didn't seem to believe me. He just told me my emotions got the better of me. They don't know, ('They' being Dream and Blue), but I actually don't have a soul. Although I don't remember why. But due to me not having a soul, I have to live off of fake emotions. So I don't think there's a good chance my fake emotions got the best of me. I mumbled the words "whatever Dream.." and luckily he didn't hear. I headed up the wooden stairs to my room. I opened the door and saw paper on the ground, blank canvases resting at the end of my bed, my desk full of pencils and sketches, and the picture of me, Dream, and Blue on the wall. That picture is from when we first called ourselves the Star Sanses. Blue came up with it. He thought it was cool because when we feel positive emotions, our eyes turn into stars. Honestly, it is pretty clever. Enough about the past though. I walked through the doorway, and laid down on my soft, white bed. But... Aren't I supposed to hate white?

Dream's Pov:
After I talked to Ink, he said something under his breath, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. I was about to ask what he said when I thought I should just leave it there. After I heard Ink's door close, I went upstairs and led myself to Blue's room, knocking on the door, I went in. Blue was sitting on his bed and looked at me. I asked what was up and he told me he encountered the bad guys while he was on his daily walk. I sat on the bed with him asking if he got hurt. He looked at me, then lifted his shirt just tiny bit, and there was a huge knife cut.

(992 words)

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