Part 17: The next clue.

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Nightmare's POV:
I search through my contacts list for Dust, but couldn't find it. Did Dream delete him from my contact list?! Oh wait, nevermind. I found his contact, but I forgot I named him "annoying child". I call Dust 4 times before he finally picks up.


(Nightmare) Do NOT talk to your Boss like that Dust.

(Dust) Sorry Boss.. But what do you need?

(Nightmare) Did Ink ever tell you what his 'second home' was?

He stayed silent for a good while. He obviously didn't want to tell me. Eventually he made some noise. But it wasn't him talking to me, it was him getting hurt. He let out an agonizing screech, and I felt his negativity from here.


(Nightmare) Damn it Dust! I'm coming to get you!

(Dust) Boss... That's not... necessary..

(Nightmare) I can hear you tearing up through the phone. It takes a lot to get you to cry, so that proves it was a bad wound. Plus, answer my question!

(Dust) C-CherryTale! Ink s-said it w-was his second h-home!..

(Nightmare) Dust, you're stuttering, and I can hear you cry still. Error, check CherryTale. Come straight to me if you find anything.

(Error) Right. I'll be going now.

(Nightmare) Good.

I see Error make a portal at the same time I do, and we both head in. I end up where the battle was and see Dust behind a tree holding his leg. On his leg stuck out an arrow. A teal glowing arrow. Damn it.. I walk over to the trees and use my tentacle to get the arrow out. It looked like the process was painful, but less painful then getting shot with it.

(Dust) AGGHH! T-thanks... B-boss..

Dust still had tears in his eyes, but was still trying to be tough.

Error's POV:
        I enter CherryTale, and it looked.. nice. It looked calm.. Just like OuterTale.. I explore the main parts of the au, when I end up in waterfall. I go through waterfall when I reach the Echo Flower room. I reach down to them, hearing each message in case the next clue was there. After listening to the last echo flower, there was no message. I look over the fields of flowers when I notice something half in the ground. I walk over to it, being careful I don't step on someone's whisper, and finally realize what it was. Apart from this aus baby pink echo flowers, there was a yellow echo flower with two petals sticking out of the beige ground. I grab the flower and trace the edge of the petals, so it could reveal the whisper within it.

(Yellow Echo Flower) Where had someone caught Ink dancing in the rain, at midnight, knowing he was trying to escape problems from Dream, On July 29th?

Huh. Dancing in the rain sounds fun. I didn't know he had problems till a month ago. Now that I think about it, it has been quite a while since he joined. Well.. Better bring this echo flower to Nightmare. I clutch the flower and then made a portal home. I take my step into the warmth of the castle, and see the entire group there.

(Nightmare) Find anything?

(Error) Yeah.

(Nightmare) What did you find.

I show the flower to them, and Killer took it out of my hands. He gently cupped it in his hands, while Horror reached over and used his finger to trace the edges of the flower. The message had played aloud again, and everyone was carefully listening. Nightmare must've told them about the scavenger hunt. After the whisper had been said, everyone thought about when they first learned about the problems between Dream and Ink. After a conversation about it, the conclusion was we all learned about it when Ink first joined. We all thought until Dust gasped.

(Dust) Maybe Blue was the one who caught Ink dancing! They've known each other longer, and they've been through Dream together!

Dust picks up his phone and calls Blue. He puts Blue on speaker and someone picks up.

(?) Hello. Right now isn't the best time to be calling Blue. But who is this?

(Dust) Erm.. This is Dust. Who are you?

(Frisk) This is UT!Frisk. And I've heard a lot about you from Blue. So I guess I can pass the phone.

(Dust) Great. Thanks Frisk..

We hear some shuffling in the background, until Blueberry's voice comes on. I think this has to be one of the only times Nightmare looks relieved to talk to Blue.

(Blue) Hey Dusty.. What's up..?

(Hey Guys! I just wanna say I'm going to change my writing style. I'm going to write this fanfic as if I were writing an actual story! Except I am keeping the POV's)

Dust replied asking if he was alright. "I'm fine.. Just some yelling here and there.." Blue said sounding pained. This probably worried Dust, and we ended up having to stop Dust from teleporting to Blue at the moment. Nightmare coughed to get Dust's attention, and fair enough, it worked. As Nightmare was talking to Dust, Horror snatched the phone hoping he could get finally get an answer. I presume he was tired of waiting. "Hey Blue! This is Horror!" Said the phone-snatcher very eagerly. "Oh. Hey Horror. Need something?" "Yes! Have you ever caught Ink dancing in the rain after an argument with Dream?" "Huh? That's an odd question.. Why?" Blue said certainly confused. Everyone gathered around the phone, awaiting a hopeful response.

             "Well.. I don't want to worry you, so can you answer the question?" Horror said trying to calm Blue down from his confusion, which could soon turn into a suspicion. "Well.. No I never have. I didn't even know he did that! That kinda sounds calming and fun. Maybe I should.. Eep! Nevermind!" Blueberry was probably trying to cover up that he was going to do that eventually. It would be embarrassing for him, that's what he probably thought. I was done with waiting. Now I took control of the speaking. "So WhO dO yOu ThInK wE sHoUlD cOnTaCt AbOuT tHiS?" "Well.. I wouldn't really know. I've only seen Ink hang out with us, so I don't know who would walk into him dancing. It could be any Sans from any AU actually, If you think about it. He doesn't have to have any contact with this Sans, they may have just been there to relax but accidently bumped into Ink." Blue said stating that it really could be any Sans in ANY au. Great.. This would literally forever! With only us 5, it would be nearly impossible to search the entire multiverse! Suddenly, I heard a portal open up behind us. I turn to look at the portals design, to see whose it was. The others saw me turn my head, so they turned theirs so see what I was looking at. The portal was white, outlined with black, and had a giant red 'X' in the middle. It was Cross. Where had he been? It's been days! Cross takes a step out of his portal, and looks at us. "Where have you been." Nightmare said sternly, with a hint of annoyance. "Just hanging out with my older brother." Cross said plainly, liked he was expecting us to ask this. "Older brother?" Nightmare replied. "Yeah, but anyways.. What you guys talking about?" Said Cross As he tilted his head. "You guys looked stressed."

"Ink is missing and/or kidnapped, and someone is leaving us clues to where he is. We're trying to find the next place."

"WHAT?! What's the next clue?!"

"Someone had caught Ink dancing in the rain after talking to Dream, and we have to figure out what au he was dancing in. It could be ANYONE from ANY au, so we don't know what to do." Nightmare said, turning back to the echo flower next to the phone we placed on a table. Cross started laughing and he sounded like a maniac...

(1353 words)

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