Part 23: Plan In Action

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Killer's POV:

I lead Dream downstairs, still holding onto his hand. I will admit, he almost fell down the stairs because of me, but he's fineeee! I look back at him to make sure he's still fine. I am a fast runner, so if he WERE to fall, wouldn't be surprised. I rush him to the living room and look around. Everyone was there, and ready to save Ink. Cross and Nighty both gave us a weird look though.. Cross approached us, and he tore Dream's hand away from mine. Oh, that's probably why. Whatevs! Error gives his glitched cough meaning he wanted us to focus on him. We turn our attention to him, and he starts speaking.

"So it's a simple plan. I hack a portal into his base, we find Ink, save him, bring him back here." We all look at each other, waiting to see if anyone has any objections. It seems like all of us are fine with it. "Alright... Let's go..." Dream says, obviously worried and scared. "Alright." Error creates the portal, and we all head through.

Error's POV:
We end up in a black void, just like I expected. But, there's no white strings in sight. Which, is weird, honestly. I've fought in this void before, and it had his roof of strings, just like mine. "Alright, where to now?" Nightmare said looking like he's ready to beat 404's was if he comes anywhere near. Truth is, they can't beat 404. None of us can. If we're weak, he'll kill us. If we're strong, he'll control us. "I'm not sure. There should be strings above us, but there's none." I say watching as everyone looks up. "Wait! Look at that!" Blue says. Hold up, when did he get here? He must be entered the portal last minute. Blue points a a white string off in the distance. How did none of us notice that..? Whatever. "Let's go, Dream says with this time, confidence.

We start heading in the direction of the strings, and we hear something creepy. That stupidly extremely glitched laugh. It seemed to echo from all around us, but it sounded stronger from the west. "Let's go!" Horror says, already running towards the side. We follow him, and the laughter grows louder, louder, and louder. The more we run there, the more we can hear that terrible laugh. Eventually we reach were I assume he lives. I assume that because there is a lot for strings here then there is anywhere else. We look up at the tangled mess, at I look down at the floor in thought. When I see something shine.

I pick up the item and I recognize it immediately. Who wouldn't? With it having a pink heart cap, and it being made of glass. It's Ink's vial. "Hey, everyone! Look!" I say holding up the vial for them to see. I look at the people look at the object and Dream looked annoyed. "What's wrong Dream?" I ask as he flinched. "These stupid vials keep hitting me in the head, and I don't know where the heck they're coming from!" I watched as another one hit him again. "It came from above!" We look back up, and we hear a muffled scream. A drop of water hit the floor in front of us, and this time I see him! "Up there!" I yell, pointing my finger.

Ink's POV:
404 had used his strings to make a gag, and I couldn't really open my mouth. I was still tangled too. Error 404 left a while ago, and I knew he would back soon. I was upside down, so everytime I struggled, my vials began to loosen a bit. I saw the others below, but they kinda looked like they were on the roof. You know why. One by one, I managed to knock the vials down onto the ground, hitting Dream wasn't on purpose, but I feel like it was more effective. I hadn't tried screaming, so I tried that, as I did, I felt dread. What if they can't hear me and they just think the vials is something 404 is doing? A tear had fallen from my eye. I close my eyes, calming myself down.

I look towards the group again, and they saw me! Yes! I had started to cry again, but from happiness this time. Dust made a platform made out of bones, and the platform lifted off the ground towards me. Being upside down is weird... they finally come close enough, and Killer cuts the strings with his knife. I drop onto the platform, and I get greeted with pure joy. One of my eyes had been covered with white and blue, it's impossible to see with that eye now. Is it like that on the outside, or just the inside of my eye? I figured out soon enough. Nightmare had pointed at my eye. "What's up with your eye? I'm never seen your entire eye socket coloured before.." That's when me and Error had a realization... We started to freak out.

       "What should we do!? We had a plan if it were to happen but it hasn't actually happened, and!" Me and him both went on and on. Basically speaking gibberish now. That was, until Horror got us to stop. "SHUT UP! We can't help if you guys keep freaking out!" Me and Error looked at each other, kinda disappointed that we weren't able to stay calm. I apologized. "I'm sorry Horror, but, uh..." I tilt my head down but keep my eyes on Error, hoping he would get that I didn't want to say. Sure enough, he got the idea. Error took over the speaking role. "Basically Ink his half under 404's control. Ink could attack us at any moment, without any control of it." The others looked surprised. And worried too. Except for Nightmare, not a lot scares or shocks him. "Oh!"

          I had remembered our plan now, which was shocking to me because I had the worst memory, ever. Ask anybody, they would agree. "I remember now! We agreed to take me to a pure white room in hopes to knock me out or make me less vulnerable." Blue started talking afterwards. "But Ink! Doesn't white make you weaker and sick?!" Everyone stared at Blue. "Ohhhh, that's the point, isn't it." He smacked himself in the forehead. "Alright!" I sounded confident, but shivered underneath. I hated white with all of my... I would say soul but that doesn't work for me, so... you get what I mean though! I sigh before speaking. "Alright, let's do it." After everyone started to leave, I whispered to myself. "I guess.."

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