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"There's absolutely no way!" Sana exclaimed eyeing the bullet in the towel on my couch table that had been stuck in the shoulder of the gang dude just a few hours ago.

I had called her over instantly after everything had registered in my brain. This time I wasn't physically able to clean up after him so everything still stood in the places where he left it.

The now half empty bottle of vodka sat on my couch table, right next to the glass of water that still had some left in. The tweezers and the bullet were in the towel, still covered in his blood.

"You're not safe here anymore, Y/N." Sana concluded, eyes still glued on the red bullet in front of her. "How about you sleep at my place tonight?"

"... he said he wouldn't come back." I whispered, almost sounding sad.

"He promised, he wouldn't."

My best friend looked at me dumbfounded. "And you believe this gangster?!" She shook her head in disbelief.

If she had seen the look in his eyes, she would have believed his every word as well. But I couldn't exactly tell her that so I just shrugged.

"Ok, well, let's have a sleepover at my place today, like we used to when we were younger, ok? We can watch movies and order pizza!" Sana suggested excitedly and made me smile slightly.

"Alright, I'm in." I gave in and pulled a large bag out of my closet to pack my essentials in. Sana followed me around like a dog while I entered the different rooms of my apartment and packing various things.

"Or..." Sana begun.

"Or what?" I questioned, mentioning for her to go on and tell me her thought.

"Or we could go out together! To take your mind off of that crazy person." She grinned satisfied and I rolled my eyes but slowly nodded.

"I think that's a good idea." I said and added a short black dress with some jewelry to my bag.

"Of course, it's from a genius like me!" Sana giggled and I could only laugh in response.

When we were done packing, we went a few streets over to Sana's place and slowly got ready for our going out plan in the evening. I put on my little black dress and a little bit of makeup and I let Sana put my hair in braids after she begged me for at least half an hour.

"We look hot." Sana stated when we stood in front of her full-body mirror. She started to practice poses in her cute red dress and made facial expressions at her reflection. I laughed at her ridiculousness.

"Where are we even going?" I asked, taking a small purse out of my bag and trying to strike a pose as well.

"How about 'Miroh'?" She suggested and I shot her a look.

"I thought that was like some sort of strip club." I commented and she scoffed.

"No, Y/N, it's not a strip club! It's supposed to be a really fun club with pretty good music actually." She added.

"Ok, ok. I guess trying it out won't hurt." I admitted, putting up my hands in defeat.

'Miroh' was not only on the other side of town but it was the fullest club I had ever been to.

However Sana was right with the good reputation. The music wasn't bad and the atmosphere was fun, despite the limited space on the dance floor due to the many people trying to move their bodies to the beat.

"Y/N!" Sana yelled over the loud music. "I'm gonna get us something to drink!" I nodded and gave her a thumbs up, swaying my hips to the music and watching her make her way towards the bar.

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