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I knew the plan by heart. In fact, I had rehearsed everyone's roles the entire night to try and calm my nerves but it was useless. A sleepless night probably wasn't the best for an important mission like this but it's not like I had a choice. 

No matter how much I tried to convince myself that I was prepared for what was about to happen - I wasn't. I don't think anyone could be actually ready to assassinate someone. Even if the person might deserve it. 

Then again, it wasn't just as simple as telling Hyunjin to fulfill his duty as a sniper and shoot the guy from a safe distance. 

War was about to happen. 

Many could get hurt or worse-

Chan squeezed my hand to pull me out of my mind and bring me back to the current reality I was in. Sitting next to him in a van, driving to the battlefield. I gulped, the realization settling in.

His eyes were clouded with worry, silently asking me if I was okay. 

I was far from okay but I couldn't tell him that and make him lose his focus, so I just tried to give him a reassuring smile instead. 

It didn't fool him, obviously.

"Do you know what you have to do?" His question sounded like a test. I nodded but my answer didn't satisfy him.

"You're in the second group right behind mine. You stay with Changbin no matter what." Intense eyes held mine captive. "No matter what."

He repeated it twice, not leaving any room for arguing or misinterpretation. 

"I need you to confirm, Y/N." He sighed, sounding rough like a real mafia leader instead of my lovely boyfriend. 

And the latter was who I actually needed to comfort me and tell me everything would be alright.

"Yes- I-"

"Let's go!" Minho yelled before we all got out of the cars. 

And then everything happened too fast. 

Changbin was glued to me, knocking out a guy that tried to attack Jisung. There was blood everywhere, the sound of bones breaking and painful screams echoing all around me. 

I was frozen for a single second before snapping out of my state of shock. 

"Changbin, watch out!" I screamed before kicking my leg in the face of the person behind Changbin. 

Changbin laughed. "And here I thought I was supposed to protect you."

We continued to make our way through the mess of people fighting each other to stay on track of our assigned positions. 

"Lee Sooman is on the right side, he's climbing up to stand on the hood of the car. Taeyong has a clear shot." Felix' voice spoke in my ear through the little gadget we used like we did on every mission. 

I tried to find Taeyong's figure in the crowd and saw him standing only a few meters away from his father, both hands gripping onto the gun.

But Taeyong didn't shoot. 

His entire body was shivering and it was obvious he was having a panic attack. He wouldn't be able to kill his father. And we had prepared for that. 

Plan B was Chan. 

My eyes instantly found him a little behind Taeyong, his arms covered in cuts and his white shirt soaked in blood that I prayed to not be his own. His jaw was clenched making his expression look even more tense.  

But he didn't shoot either. 

He held his gun pointed at the target as his finger danced over the trigger but he didn't pull it. 

Why the hell wasn't he shooting?

My eyes followed his line of fire to land on Lee Soo Man who was laughing, apparently finding the entire situation hilarious. I couldn't make out what he was saying from where I was standing but his lips curled into a smug grin.

I felt the anger rise in me, automatically taking a few steps forward. My body had its own mind, pulling me towards the scene. 

Changbin was now behind me, having trouble to keep up with me and fight off the enemies in our way. His voice was muted and if I had turned around I would've seen his furrowed brows asking me what the hell I was doing. 

Suddenly all color was drained from my face as I felt a cold shiver and ice freezing my veins. Pure panic took over me when Lee Sooman pointed his gun towards Chan. 









I didn't have the time to think about the situation as I pulled out my weapon that I had hid in my waistband, held my breath and aimed my gun at the bad guy.  

Shooting once. 


Three times in total. No hesitation. 

Everything around me disappeared as I witnessed two of the bullets hitting his chest, one of them right were his heart had to be. His shirt was stained crimson in no time as blood pooled out of his wounds I had caused. 

Felix was screaming something in my ear but I couldn't hear anything.

All I could see was red.

You vs. My Whole Life | Bang ChanUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum