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Instead of landing on top of a building like I thought we would, I saw that we were in the middle of a parking lot when I exited the helicopter. 

"Hey, Y/N!" 

When I turned around I stood face to face with the young barista from the café. He smiled shyly at me. 

"Hey, it's good to see you again um..." 

"I'm Mark" Mark typed something on a gadget and the ground opened up, revealing an entrance to their underground hideout. He signaled for me and Johnny to go through first.

Their spot was a total labyrinth. Every corner looked the exact same. We seemed to get deeper and deeper into the main part of their hideout. Once we were walking through 4 doors that resembled each other, Johnny finally came to a halt in front of a different looking one. 

It was painted in a dark red color, reminding me of dried blood. I gulped.

Johnny knocked two times and then pushed open the door entering it, Mark and I following him. 

The room we entered was dimly lit with candles, an entire buffet served on the longest table I had ever seen. It looked like it was out of a royal movie, the feast of kings and queens. Only two chairs on each end. 

"Hello Y/N! I'm glad you accepted my invitation to join me for dinner". Taeyong stood up from one of the chairs to greet me and my heart dropped to my knees instantly. 

Johnny was nice, Mark seemed fine too. But Taeyong?

He was screaming danger. 

Johnny pulled my assigned chair back for me so I could sit, then went to stand at the wall next to the door we had entered in. My eyes scanned over the food, mouth watering. 

"Please, eat." Taeyong tried his best to give me a reassuring smile, only managing to pull a grimace. 

Beside my mouth watering, the back of my throat was drier than the Sahara desert, screaming for liquid. I grabbed the cup in front of me and brought it to my lips, stopping halfway when I met Johnnys eyes. He shook his head ever so slightly, I would've missed it if I blinked. 

Don't drink this.

The gang leader who is most famously known to poison their enemies invited me to dinner and I didn't even think twice about it.

How could anyone be this dumb?

"Thank you, but I'm not hungry" I carefully placed my glass back on the table, my stomach growling in disappointment. 

"I think it's fascinating that he somehow was able to paint me as the monster and villain despite starting all of this." Taeyong chugged the brown liquid down like it was nothing. Whiskey to drown all of his sorrows. 

He was talking about Chan.

"I'm sorry, he shouldn't have crossed your territory that day. It's my fault-" The man chuckled darkly, his eyes lighting up with excitement. 

Maybe I shouldn't admit to my role in front of a very dangerous, very one-sided judge. He was here to do both, condemn me and execute my punishment. 

Even after being part of a gang and training alongside with them, I still was just as stupid as ever. 

"He hasn't told you?" Now he was full on laughing at me, my confused facial expression making him roar even louder. "Of course he didn't! That's how he managed to keep you by his side and make me the bad guy." 

"I seriously have no idea what you're talking about." The man across from me didn't even spare me a second to brace myself.

Then again I don't think an entire hour would've helped to prepare me for what he was about to say next.

"He killed my father."

His words were dripping with venom, every single one aimed to poison my heart. If I was standing, I would've had to take a step back from the impact of his statement, maybe even fallen to the ground. 

It sounded like a lie. I refused to trust my ears or any word that came out of this mans mouth. Johnny warned me not to trust him, of course he wasn't being honest with me.

But the flash of hurt that crossed his eyes and the way his fist angrily gripped onto his fork told me that he was telling the truth. 

It felt like he had shot me right in the chest, my heart exploding in pain. My mind flooded with toxic thoughts. 

I could only let out a shaky breath, my entire body shivering from the reveal of information. And suddenly I could feel the faint touch of Chans lips back on mine again. And it made me sick. 

The whole room was spinning as I pushed back my chair, trying to concentrate on not falling down. My legs felt like giving in and I didn't even attempt to walk. 

I had known he was dangerous all along. I had known all of them were criminals ever since they appeared on the news and it was confirmed right in front of my own eyes at 'Miroh'

I had known he had killed someone before.

But actually getting the confirmation from someone else seemed to clear my clouded head. 

"I know you think I'm the devil and we may be the villains in somebody's story but I think everyone is a hero and a villain in somebody's story and the only thing that settles those roles is the point of view of the person telling the story."

I fell in love with a killer. 

And somehow I was just starting to realize that. 

And although there was a part of me that got lost in his eyes and told my brain to shut up, the bigger part of me resented him.

I resented myself for falling into his traps. 

"You can leave now", Taeyongs words pulled me out of my toxic mind momentarily. 


"I need to take care of my friend Johnny. Seems like he's forgotten where his loyalty lies" It sounded like a threat and I feared for my best friends boyfriend. It was his turn to get up and push his chair back now, taking a few steps towards his victim. "So leave before I change my mind about letting you go." 

A wicked smile displayed on his lips finally woke my body from its paralyzation as I ran, accompanied by the sound of ribs breaking.

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