Bonus 2 | Yachts or Kids?

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Here's another bonus chapter to feast your eyes on! I still can't believe we're a good distance into 107k reads. I've had a lot of new readers between the last update and this one, and it excites me hearing how they love it as much as the old readers (who are very dear to my little black heart♡) Brings tears to my eyes :,)

In addition, I got around to making realistic renditions of older Colin and Peter with Artbreeder! I put them at the bottom of the chapter so y'all can have a nice surprise when you reach the end! Enjoy!!!

In addition, I got around to making realistic renditions of older Colin and Peter with Artbreeder! I put them at the bottom of the chapter so y'all can have a nice surprise when you reach the end! Enjoy!!!

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They owned a home now.

That was the only thing Colin could think about as his head lolled against the window of the Uber. An enormous smile was on his face. He wasn't sure if it was induced because these streets---with a breathtaking view of the beach beyond the traffic and dull streetlights glowing in the night fog---were ones he was going to familiarise himself with. Still, his smile grew wider when the map of his phone showed that they'd arrive in two minutes.

Doing freelance work meant he had to travel a lot more, and it surprised him how many of his gigs within the last 5 years involved people outside the country. His flight had been delayed, and he had struggled to find transportation from the airport. Colin was more than glad to be on American soil again. The last three weeks he spent in Paris were great, but it was three weeks too long without Peter.

The couple saw little of each other recently. Sure, they always spent holidays together, but even that contributed little. By the time their families and friends had cleared the scene, they would be too tired to do anything other than fall asleep.

It was a nice thing; slipping into a blissful sleep and waking up next to the person you loved. But Colin craved the simpler times when Peter would sit on their balcony with his guitar in his hand, and he'd get to hear his melodious voice from where he'd be cooking in the kitchen. Sometimes, the brunet wished they could reverse to those times and be stuck in limbo there---right after Peter graduated and he'd quit his job.

Colin knew it was stupid to think that, though. They had a great life now; they even bought a freaking house to top it off. But he could savour those memories and still look forward to the new ones they would make. Starting with now.

Peter didn't know he had left Paris. Even though Colin was bursting to let him know about his departure when they had talked on the phone earlier, he figured the news would be best received as a surprise.

His phone vibrated just as the Uber driver pulled over at his destination, and he paid the fare. Lugging out his suitcase, he was hit with a wave of heavy, humid air. The California summer heat extended into nightfall and it got unbearable sometimes. But it wasn't going to that much of a bother when they had an oceanfront house on Moonstone beach.

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