23: Infinitely Beautiful

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Ahem, this chapter has smuff, but it doesn't start till after the scene change so... you can skip after you reach the divider if you're uncomfortable with reading it :)

 you can skip after you reach the divider if you're uncomfortable with reading it :)

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Ruben's work of art had been completed, giving life to the slabs of cement and sand. The pictures seemed to pop out of the wall, bright colours defining overly exaggerated caricatures and equally astounding scribbles.

It was the first thing that caught the eyes of Colin and Peter as they entered the skate park. From what Colin could tell, Ruben had carefully picked out the locations where he would make the masterpiece. The ocean blue paint splattered in the bowls shone under   lights which flickered every couple of minutes. Over the calm colour, writings and even more drawings stood out in the most complimentary way. It was pleasing to look at-- although it stuck out like a sore thumb in the fall atmosphere-- however, everyone knew its glory would be short-lived. Ruben vandalized the wall with his graffiti; his graffiti would be vandalized with more graffiti. It was the norm.

Colin dropped his skateboard, kicking it to Peter who was putting on a hoodie. It was Colin's-- the same one he had given to Peter the night he had come for his skateboard. Even though the Asian had bought himself enough warm clothing to possibly give him a heat stroke, he still asked for this blue one-- despite him practically drowning in it.

None of Colin's friends had said anything about it when they had arrived. They simply acknowledged each other's presence, spoke for a while, argued over the ownership of a lighter when Josh pulled out some blunts, and dispersed to different parts of the park.

"The school year starts in a week and here you are, trying your best to break a limb right before," Colin said with a shake of his head.

"I'm not going to break anything," Peter retorted. The blue of his hoodie blended into the graffiti art as he supported himself by holding onto the wall, right before he mounted the board on shaky legs.

Colin figured he'd enjoy his roommate's epic fail, so he took a front row seat, plopping down on a bench where he could get a good view of what was about to happen. Better yet, he could embed it in his memory forever-- his phone's memory.

From the camera screen of his phone, Colin watched Peter attempt to ride his skateboard. His balance was bad. His posture was bad. But his determination was stupidly on point. The brunet had to admire his persistence.

"What are you doing?" Peter asked after a harsh intake of breath, placing a shaky leg on the board. "You're not recording, are you?"

"No, I'm just texting," Colin lied with ease. Peter's eyes darted to the phone's camera, staring directly at Colin who lifted his eyes.

"That's a weird way to hold a phone while texting," Peter breathed, brushing his hair back. "But I guess the person you're texting is making you really happy, from the way you're smiling."

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