15: Heat

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This chapter contains some StEaMy scenes I term as smuff- a mixture that is more fluff than smut: in and 90% to 10% ratio. So, mostly fluff :)

Enjoy loves!

Enjoy loves!

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"Stay still."

"I am still," Peter whined in protest, making Colin give him a weird look.

"Then be stiller, damn. Working with a kid seems easier and easier compared to you." He directed Peter's head with one hand while the other pressed on the pump of the spray bottle, wetting Peter's hair.

Peter bent his head, hands wiping his face. "But it's getting in my eyes."

"It wouldn't if you stayed still." Colin squirted more of the water into Peter's hair, hand ruffling the locks simultaneously.

Satisfied with the level of dampness Peter's hair had now, he stepped back and admired the work of his hands.

He picked up his camera off one of the tables in the room and moved the backdrop he had put up a while ago, brushing away the creases.

Right after Colin had taken the first couple of photos Colin had taken of Peter in a nearby park, they had come over to Snapshot with the aim of getting a couple more.

It had taken a while because Colin had to set up the studio in preparation, and Peter had repeatedly refused to change his clothes, complaining of how it wasn't necessary to switch outfits. But eventually, both problems were solved and the duo were about to finally start the second aspect of compiling Peter's portfolio.

With a bowing motion, Colin made a beckoning gesture at Peter. "You may pose now, Pikachu."

Peter rolled his eyes, hands combing at his hair which was plastered to his forehead. "Did we really have to get it wet?"

Colin only sighed, covering his face with his palms. "Would you just- just go stand there and look pretty."

The flash from Colin's camera went off multiple times in quick succession before he lowered the device, an unreadable expression etched on his face.

"I said look pretty, not constipated, Pikachu. And don't lift your head up so much, you look weird."

"What do you want me to do then?" Peter wiped away the drops of water that managed to slide down to his face.

"Relax," Colin provided as he set the timer on his camera. He put it up on the tripod and turned the lens towards Peter's now slouched from. This wasn't what Colin meant when he told the dark-haired boy to relax.

With a very audible sigh, he walked over to Peter, carefully stepping over the part of the backdrop laying on the floor. He held Peter's head and lowered it so his chin hovered a few inches from his collar bones. Then, Colin adjusted Peter's stance and made sure the boy was set in a position that didn't look like he was trying too hard to hold in a fart. "Now you just have to take the shirt off and we're set."

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