Chapter Five: Sultry Eyes

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 Despite my world coming crumbling down, I breezed through my essay exam on Monday. Although my professor hadn't graded it yet, I was confident I'd passed with flying colors, which let me relax most of the day Tuesday. Until, of course, the end of the night, when Lucifer reached out to me.

Lucifer: Can't make it tomorrow morning, sorry.

Sorry? I practically jumped for joy and punched my hands in the air from my bed. Now I could sleep in, relax, and get some studying done later at my own time––

My phone buzzed.

Lucifer: I'll swing by around five to take you out.

I growled at my phone like a wild animal.

"Please take me out," I pleaded out loud. "Out of my misery, you dumb stronza."

I was so enraged that I barely slept that night. Again. Did he really think my whole day revolved around him and I could make my schedule fit his? Well, he was wrong. And instead of laying in bed like a potato the whole day in despair, it was time to head to the library and hide past five, like the petty bitch that I was.

"Hey, guys," I said, popping my head into the dining room around midday, where Mia and Gemma were sitting in their usual spots in the dining room during online schooling. "Can you tell Dad I'll be at the library?"

"Why can't you tell him yourself?" Mia asked. "He's in his office."

"Because, Mia, I'm not talking to him."

"Korinna and him are having a disagreement," Gemma added gently to Mia.

"I know what's going on," Mia said. "I was in the room when it happened. Korinna's upset she has to marry Lucifer."

"Mia," Gemma warned gently. "His name is Lucius."

"No, Lucifer is accurate," I said, smiling. "Alright, well, I'll catch you guys later. Probably will be hanging there all day since I have no life and an essay I need to work on." And an entitled jerk to avoid.

"Make sure Gianni drives you!" Gemma called after me.

Gianni was one of my father's older bodyguards on staff. Technically, if he hadn't been in my father's cigar room on the night I held a gun to Lucius' face, none of this would be happening. But Gianni was like an uncle to me, and I knew it was my own reaction, even though I stood behind my reaction as good, and Lucius' spitefulness, that ultimately put me in this situation.

Even though the library was only fifteen minutes away, I shot him a text and he ended up driving me to the public library.

"How's school been, kid?"

"Pretty horrible," I replied honestly. "But I'm getting good grades."

"Glad to hear it. Talk your way out of the arranged marriage yet?"

"Working on it."

"Thatta girl. Give that La Notte kid hell."

What I liked about Gianni was that he wasn't a big talker.

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