Capitulo Ventidue - Mio Fratello

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Seven years ago...

"Motherfucker!" Giuseppe exploded, throwing back his chair. I didn't blame him. He'd just lost thirty-thousand dollars to me in three games of poker.

As the rest of the table grumbled about their losses in a less volatile way, the pretty blonde dealer used her arm to move my chips closer to me. "Congratulations, birthday boy." She slid her hand over my shoulder and leaned in. "I've got a present just for you. See me later to get it in person."

She walked around my chair to strut to the private bar in the room to pour us all drinks. I looked down at the panties she'd placed in my hand and quickly pressed them against my thigh with my palm before anyone else saw it. 

Leone, my older brother, who was sitting beside me at the table, grinned at me, like he'd noticed my entire interaction with the poker dealer. "Make a new friend, uomo dei soldi?" Money man.

My head turned toward the poker dealer. She happened to be bending over to grab something from the cabinet at the bar, baring everything to me as her dress rode up, and my mouth went dry. All the blood instantly rushed to my dick. She looked back at me over her shoulder and winked, before straightening. 

Looking at Leone, I failed to suppress my excited grin. "This place fucking rocks," I said.

Leone chuckled, exhaling cigar smoke from his mouth. "For a night out, sure. But promise me you won't make it a habit coming here. You're better off meeting a nice girl at school."

He even added a waggled finger at me while he lectured me, like Papà did when he was telling us a life lesson. I had to laugh. Despite how cool it was that I'd won at poker against some of the famiglia, Leone knew I wasn't the type to hangout in these sorts of places. I could get high or drunk on campus easily, but college girls weren't as wild as I thought they would be at NYU. Or at least, none of them had ever given me a polaroid of their tits, that's for sure...

I took one of the poker chips off my pile and flipped it in my hand. "You tell Mom or Dad about this big outing?"

"Hell no." Leone finished off his drink. We both already knew the reaction they would have had. Dad wouldn't have gave two shits. Mom would have had a fit.

Truth be told, I didn't really know why Leone had even invited me tonight, and I could tell his boys felt the same way. Leone knew this wasn't my kind of hangout with other mafiosi. But I didn't want to sound like a loser and decline going out with some of the famiglia for my twenty-first birthday.

It had always felt a little shameful making the decision I had made with going to college, and I'd always had a hunch the famiglia disapproved of it just as much as my father did. The dead giveaway had been how none of them interacted with me or even looked in my direction until tonight.

I looked up at Giuseppe, who was still having a minor mental breakdown over his poker losses and pacing back and forth across the room like a panther. "Your brother cheated," Giuseppe said, pointing an accusatory finger at me. The guy was high as fuck already when we'd arrived, but now he was practically belligerent, his eyes all wide and paranoid-like. "I don't know how he did it, but he did it..."

"Never underestimate a La Notte," Leone said, winking at me. "Especially Lucius. He's smart."

In my eyes, Leone was the more intelligent one. He could have made something of his life and extended his schooling like I did, but being the eldest of the family, my father swooped him right under his wing.

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