Chapter Eleven: Veins

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WELCOME to another KISSY Notte chapter. Lmfao.

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            The next morning, I had a killer hangover.

I never got drunk like that. I was a light weight, but I clearly hadn't eaten enough because by the time we all got back to Bianca's house to crash, I was hugging the porcelain throne vomiting my guts out just like Lana had been.

I managed to get a solid seven hours of sleep before my phone rang in my ear. Through squinted eyes, I read a text from Gemma asking me when I was coming home. Apparently, her and Mia were making pumpkin muffins. I had a feeling she was going to try to get my father involved too, but that would have been a longshot.

Prying myself off of Bianca's basement couch, I shuffled around the room, nearly stepping on Annika's head as she had somehow fallen haphazardly onto the floor from the couch. I turned her over onto her side just in case and slogged into the bathroom with my duffel bag feeling like an absolute turd.

I did a brief check of myself in the mirror and had to laugh. Mascara smeared my face like a racoon, the remains of my lipstick smeared across my mouth like a sad joker impersonation.

"Cute," I said dryly.

Taking out my makeup remover, I leaned over the sink and splashed water onto my face, removing any makeup and dirt. By the twentieth splash of icy water I finally started to feel like one-ninth of a functional human being.

I shimmied out of my emerald, green dress, making sure the water was cold to wake me up. The shock of it made me a gasp a little, and it was like my brain woke up and kicked right into gear, replaying the memory of eavesdropping on Lucius' call outside of the bar.

" I know what I'm doing. I'll have her eating out the palm of my hand soon enough."

The arrogant stronzo had clearly been talking about me. But who had been on the other line? His father? Someone who worked for the La Notte's?

"Of course, she likes me, but she's also smart. It's what makes her a problem.

I turned away from the water to wash the shampoo from my hair, a feeling of dread inside my stomach. It was one thing for me to be a thorn in Lucius' side by not complying with this whole arrangement thing, but being a problem problem? What the hell was this psycho planning to do to me?

"Once I get what I want, I want to make sure the Romanos..."

I cut the water off, having washed any remnants of the nightclub away from me. This was my fault. I'd been so wrapped up with college and getting almost comfortable with the idea of Lucius lurking around and needing me as a fake fiancé, that I'd almost stopped questioning any other intentions he'd had with me. It was like I'd started to completely disregard how we'd met on the second floor of my home and what that ruby ring meant around his left hand.

La Mano del Diavolo (The Devil's Hand) was not a man to take your guard down around. He was dangerous. He'd used his persuasive, slick, and charming personality to try and disarm me in that club.

Was there more to him wanting me to be complacent in this arranged marriage? What did Lucius really want? What were his intentions with my family? Just how cruel and twisted was this mafiosi?
And perhaps the biggest question was what I should do next.

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