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"What had happened with Taehyung, we called it an Absence Seizure along with panic attack. It occurs in kids of 4 to 14. He is okay for now. But the thing to worry is that, the absence seizure he had was last longer than the normal seizures. We will do some tests on him tomorrow." Doctor said to Jungkook and Jin who were sitting in front of him.

Jin: But how could he have that out of nowhere. He was fine a minute before and next second I saw him he was in that state.

(Jin said while trying best to hold back his tears.)

Doctor: Well he may have shown some signs of absence seizures before. It's hard to notice because it only last at most up to 15 seconds. But I think, in Taehyung's condition, it seems he panicked about something while he was having absence seizure, and looking at his poor health condition it, it had all taken big toll on him. Can you tell me why did he panic, it may help his treatment?

(Jungkook and doctor both looked at Jin, who seems to be in thinking deeply, since Jin was with Taehyung when it happened.)

Jin: I don't know. There was nothing that could have caused him to panic. I was taking him to eat some ice-cream. But I will think more, in case I missed something.

Jungkook: Is it dangerous to have those seizures? IT won't affect his life right?

Doctor: Umm. It will not on this stage. He will live normal life until he take good care of him. Like eating, sleeping properly on time. It seems he was too drained of energy now. You guys are sure that he was not doing any physical work which tired him out?

Jin: No. he was not doing any physical work.

Doctor: Okay then. You can see him now. We have given him some sleeping drugs as it seems to us that he was not sleeping properly. See you later.

Jungkook: Thank you doctor.

(Jungkook shakes the hand with doctor and they went out to see Taehyung.)


"He really scared me today." Jin said in low voice to Jungkook who was sitting on the couch near Taehyung's bed while he was caressing Taehyung's hair. Jungkook hummed. Nurse have told him that Taehyung will wake up in an hour or two.

While Jin was talking, Jungkook was engross in his own thoughts. He couldn't bring out that scene out of his eyes. The scene, when Taehyung panicked even more as soon as he saw him coming towards him. He couldn't forget how Taehyung's eyes widen when he saw him and passed out next second in Jin's embrace. He was doubting that may be he was the one that has caused Taehyung to panic. But he still couldn't find out why Taehyung panic first when Jin took him to eat ice-cream. May be something was happening that he didn't aware of?

He knew he neglected his son and he was willing to do anything to redeem his mistake. He was always like this. Cold. Even to his parents. But it doesn't mean he didn't care. In fact he was cold to Jin when they met first. But Jin was so lively that result him acting back lively with Jin. He admit that he have given more attention to Jimin because he always would be ill, and Jimin was bubbly unlike Taehyung. But whenever he tried to go closer to Taehyung, Taehyung always bring say he had to do something or his work came in between. But after what happened today, he had decided that, he would not neglect his duties as father because of any reasons. He have to leave his cold attitude limited his work.

Jungkook was taken out of his thought when he realize Jin had stopped talking. He looked towards Jin, who was staring at his constantly buzzing phone. He went near to Jin. Sit on the bed, near Taehyung's left leg. He saw Namjoon's name on Jin's phone through his peripheral vision.

JK: You should pick up. It must be Jimin, wanting to ask when we will pick him up from there.

Jin: I don't want to. What if it was Namjoon who was talking instead of Jimin?

JK: So what? Did something happen that I don't know?(Jungkook asked, not knowing why was Jin scared to answer Namjoon)

Jin: Yeah. Last week at fathers house, when we were all sitting together...........................

(Jin told Jungkook what happened that day, how Namjoon realize his mistakes.)

Jin: I am afraid he would take Taehyung away from us if I tell him Tae is in hospital.

JK: No. He won't. I won't let him. And beside he knows Taehyung needs us more than anything.

Pick up the phone. HE must be getting worried.

(Jungkook assured Jin. Jin seems to understand that he can't avoid Namjoon. He will know sooner and later and he have to face the situation then.)

Jin: Hello.

NJ: Where the hell are you guys? I am standing here outside your door for an hour with Jimin and Yoongi.

(Namjoon snapped at Jin through the phone.)

Jin: Umm... We are at hospital. Taehyung-

NJ: WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED TO TAEHYUNG? Shit, is he okay? What happened?

Jin: He is okay and sleeping now.


Jin: Life care hospital, room no. 233.

(With that Jin cut the phone off. He realized from Namjoon's tone that Namjoon will take his class when he meet him.)

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