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I leaned back in the leather seat, my eyes scanning over the food menu.

"You can't expect me to eat here do you?" Alexa asked in disgust as her eyes covered every inch of the small diner we were in.

The floor had black and white tiles, the booths had red seats and worn out wooden tables between them. It smelt like chips and cakes in here. The air was slightly hot and the place seemed stuffy because of how crowded it was.

Everyone here was basic, just like I loved it to be. The chef who I had seen through the window had a greasy white apron that just made this place seem great.

"Who said I came here for you?" I asked Alexa, still scanning the menu.

"Hey there. I'm Anna. Welcome to Roadhouse Diner. What can I get you two this fine mornin'?" a dirty blonde girl said coming up to us. She had a southern accent.

"Hi Anna. Can I get..." I looked at the foods that would be best for my condition right now. "A chicken salad, extra spinach and raisins with a glass of pomegranate juice. Please."

I watched as Anna scribbled some stuff on her notepad.

"Ok and how about you miss?" She asked Alexa who looked ready to snap at her for even glancing in her direction.

"Oh she doesn't want anything. She's fasting," I said with a sweet smile.

"Oh Lord I'm sorry I asked. I'll be right back with your order. Sorry ma'am," the poor Anna winced as she practically run away.

Alexa was glaring at me again. "What was the whole point of that? Actually, what is the whole point of this? Why did you go to the clinic and what did you get?" The nosey brat asked.

"If you were worth the truth, I'd give it to you. Personally, I'd rather tell the guy in the booth over there," I said pointing my thumb in a random direction. Alexa looked at where I was pointing.

"You'd tell him cause he's black too?" Alexa stated with a rise of her brow.

I turned, looking at where I was pointing. Huh. The person was black. Not that bad looking though. I leaned my hands on the table as I waited for the food I honestly was dreading. Who in the world asked for more raisins and spinach? Who drunk pomegranate juice?

Alexa started rambling again.

"Alexa, my food is about to arrive and honestly, I just want to enjoy it. Would you do me a favour and shut the fuck up before I loose my appetite?" I said clearly annoyed. Alexa's mouth opened and closed for a while but she didn't say anything.


It wasn't long till Anna came back. I smiled at her when she set the food down but it slipped away when I noticed the food I was about to eat. God it didn't look appealing at all. I could see the raisins. I could see the spinach. I just sighed and begun eating.

This is what I get for not taking care of myself. I'd done so well at the "safe house" and kept this hidden. It was still weird. Being out. Alexa watched me almost hungrily the entire time I ate so I made sure not to rush. She could put her pride aside and buy herself a meal.

She wouldn't do that though so it made my food much sweeter than it actually was. When I was done, Anna came to pick our stuff up, leaving the bill. I slid it to Alexa before grabbing the medicine bag tightly and walking out.

She called after me telling me to come back but we both knew she had to pay. I walked out of the diner and started walking down the street. I pulled out one of the blister packs with the red tablets I needed and took one out. Popping it in my mouth, I swallowed before I could chicken out.

God that was bloody awful.

"Hey! Would you stop?!" Alexa shouted behind me. I stopped but only to wave down a cab.

The yellow vehicle parked next to me and I opened the door, getting in. Alexa managed to slip in the other side before the driver took off. Good. I wasn't paying for this ride.

We drove for what seemed like hours, my eyes glued to the road, marking some few features here and there.

"That cream shirt looks nice on you ma'am but I'm sure you'd look better in jade," the cab driver suddenly said. I looked up at the review mirror locking eyes with the slightly older red head.

"Trust me, this would look better with a little picture of a Crimson Raven," I said to her.

"Nah. Jordan doesn't take a liking to ravens. His work is mostly to find lost weapons."

"Is Jordan your husband or something lady? We don't want to hear about it," Alexa snapped. The woman in the front laughed lightly. I smirked too.

"We're here," the driver announced, pulling up at a road not far from Vittore's.

"Thanks," Alexa said snobbishly throwing some cash in the front seat and jumping out. I too jumped out, sparing a glance at the review mirror with the woman. She nodded at me. That was a good sign.

Alexa and I walked towards Vittore's estate as she kept rambling on and on about how the driver was weird and how I shouldn't even be talking to her. She had no idea what was going on outside the mafia. There were more sinister games at play, one that I found myself in the middle of.

We got through security without a problem and made our way inside the mansion to Vittore's office. Alexa walked ahead of me, pushing the familiar double doors open.

".... mean the convoy was bombed?"

"They mean you might want to stay from any kind of protected public transport for the next few weeks," I answered the question he was asking the person on the other side. Making my way into the room, I sat at one of Vittore's chairs. "Ello."

"What happened?" Alexa asked completely confused.

"What happened is that that whole convoy you were going to use to get us here was blown up by one of Elliot's men. He's trying to get to Vittore because he either knows he's the one who robbed him or he's showing he still has control," I said.

Vittore looked at me, his eyes scanning my form like he couldn't believe I was here. I saw how his eyes lingered on the bruises on my face for a while. They weren't that bad, I'd taken extra care of them and should be fully gone in a week or two.

"You surprise me everyday tesoro," Vittore commented as he settled down at his desk. I snorted.

"Tell me something I don't know," I said with a small smug smile. Vittore held eye contact with me and I wasn't going to be the one to break it so I stared right back.

"Are all the men dead?" Alexa asked breaking the staring contest.

"That tends to happen when people are blown up," I said matter-of-factly and Alexa sneered at me.

"There were no survivors," Vittore said in a bored tone as he picked up a few papers and started to go through them. I guess he was done with us.

"This was fun, it really was but I'm going to my room now," I said standing up. I turned walking out the room.

"Do you even know where that is?" Alexa asked.

"I know where everything I need is darling. I'm not like you who probably needed a month to adjust," I commented walking out.

I made sure it sounded like I had gone before I listened in to the next conversation.

"Report Alexa," Vittore asked.

"She's weird. Crafty but weird. We made a stop today at the old clinic. She took something, probably medicine," Alexa said.

"She's sick?"

"I think so. We went to a diner after, she ordered a chicken salad, extra spinach, extra raisins and pomegranate juice."

There was silence as I assume both thought the matter over.

"Find out what she stole and get back to me," Vittore said and I knew that was my cue to leave. I turned and silently walked away but not before I heard Alexa's last words.

"Yes Don."

Oh Alexa. If only I could let your task be that easy.

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