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Get your headphones guys and be prepared.

Quadruple update.


The limo came to a stop but I didn't want to get out. Not just yet.

"Impaurito (Scared)?" Vittore voiced from beside me.

"No. Just cautious," I mumbled, looking out the window to the dock we'd stopped at.

It lead to a large well lit yacht that already had people flooding around. They all wore tuxedos and fancy evening dresses besides the butlers who were dressed in all white with black bows. My eyes caught the sight of the security at the entrance. Three buff guys and one bulky looking woman who were checking each and every person thoroughly.

"Well you should be," Vittore mumbled and opening the door, easily stepping out. He then turned to me and held his hand out for me to take, which I did.

I stood up and straightened out my dress, making sure I looked decent enough. Vittore turned to his side and held his elbow out and I took it, walking side by side with him to the checkpoint. People from the higher levels of the yacht watched us approach. Like Vittore, I kept my gaze blank and my head high.

I only departed from him to hold my hands out and have the bulky woman pat me down. She was really serious about her job, even doing as much to touch my hair. My hair that I just got done. I couldn't help but glare at her.

When we were done, one of the beefy guys escorted Vittore and I through the yacht to the deck where most people were hanging about, some brooding in corners, others freely socializing while some went wild with it all.

Vittore leaned close, his arm going around my waist. His breath fanned my ear as he leaned close.

"Stay by my side at all times and do no eat or drink anything I don't give you," he whispered in my ear.

"I'm not stupid Vittore. You don't have to treat me like I'm some high school girl at her first party," I rolled my eyes and patted my hair a little. "I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

"I don't doubt that."

"Good. So.. where do we start?" I asked.

Vittore used his hand around my waist to guide me towards the far side of the yacht. People called out to him, some women being extra friendly, something I didn't like at all. I made moved myself closer to Vittore in a way that showed them who he was here with.

We made it to a table where a blonde man sat with a woman who had light brown hair. The man looked older than Vittore and I and when I looked closer, I noticed the bump on the woman's stomach. She was pregnant. How cute.

Couldn't be me.

"Ah. Vittore. Good to see you," the man said with a thick Russian accent, his deep brown eyes looking at the Italian at my side with respect.

"Nikolai. It's good to see you too."

The two men shook hands and I nodded at the woman beside him who bowed her head in return.

"Who is this?"

I turned to see the man, Nickolai who already had his gaze on me.

"My wife and Dona," Vittore introduced and I smiled.

"Lovely to meet you," I said humbly.

"Tesoro, this is Nikolai Makarovich, Don of the Russian Bratva and a very good friend," Vittore announced and the man in question nodded.

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