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??? POV

"Why are you here?"

I looked at the two men in front of me dead in the eye. Elliott Hillingham and Sante Di Laura, the head of the Vipers.

"I'd heard about your recent misfortune and came to offer my condolences at the loss," I said answering Sante as I held my poker cards close. A random girl was on my arm, occasionally running her fingers on my chest.

"You never offer anything nor come for poker when invited," Sante said as he too, focused on his cards. Elliot was quiet, almost not completely with us. There was noise around and I really questioned Sante's decision to have poker in the middle of a busy casino.

"What do you want?" Elliot finally asked looking up. I noticed the dark bags under his eyes and the unkempt state of his hair.

"You really let yourself go didn't you?" I asked chuckling. "Must be hard to lose all the money you did."

"Cut to the chase," Sante snapped, his eyes narrowing at me. He had a snake tattoo on the side of his neck, the sign of his mafia.

"I'm looking for someone," I said doubling the bet amount.

"And you think you can just come to me and I'll help?" Sante asked glaring at me.

"No. Not without a price at least," I mumbled as the game continued, the dealer anxiously glancing at all of us. I was sure the tension was too much already.

"What are you offering?" Sante asked.

"A way to get revenge on Vittore Martinelli."

The whole table went quiet at the name, even the girl around my arm froze. I continued playing as normally as I could, completely unfazed.

"And exactly how do you plan to do that?" Elliot asked. It was no secret most of them suspected he was the one who robbed the casino. That was just how he worked and we couldn't do much to stop him. He had more allies, weapons and men than all of us. He'd kill us easily.

"One of his little agents, a new recruit I suppose, doesn't really take fondly to him," I said glancing up at Sante. "A girl. My men say she's black, about 5'7-"

"Waist length black hair, hourglass figure," Elliot surprisingly completed, cursing at the end.

"How do you know this?" Sante asked Elliot, a small glare on his face.

"I should've known. Everything about her was fishy. The way she kept me from doing my normal routine, the elevator..." Elliot held his head in his hands, a groan slipping out of his lips.

"You mean to tell me you let us get robbed... BECAUSE OF A GIRL?!" Sante was furious. Veins popped on his forehead and his chest moved with angry breaths. He clutched the poor cards in his hands, folding them enough so they couldn't be used again. Elliot flinched at his words.

"Don't blame him. I heard she's a real beauty that one," I mumbled.

"What is your plan?" Sante asked turning his glare to me. He's angry and wants vengeance. That's good. Very good.

"It's a long one. We have to slowly ease into this and the only way to is to get a spy in the Martinelli Familia," I said putting my cards down.

"We all know that's impossible," Elliot said, his voice quieter than before, not willing to anger Sante further.

"I know someone," I said. "They are already in and have seen the girl. The only problem is they have been stationed away from her. We just have to wait until they are put together again."

"You trust this person?" Sante asked.

"No I don't," I mumbled.

"Then why do you listen to whatever they say?" Sante asked.

"Because they know their loyalty to me. If they get close, I will be informed," I said my voice holding no place for any more defiance. "What I can tell you is that Vittore's estate will be mostly empty tomorrow. Do as you wish with this information but make sure it doesn't come back to me."

I stood up adjusting my jacket and taking the hand of the girl who was with me. "I'll keep in touch. It was time we took Vittore down and if it's the Vipers and the Ravens that's going to do it then so be it."

I turned on my heel, walking out of the crowded casino, the girl at my side struggling to keep up in her heels. I exited the building and went straight for my limo, guiding the girl in first with a smirk on my face. Just as I was about to get in too, my phone rung.

I stepped away from the door closing it before I picked it up.

"This better be good," I said.

"It is sir. She's sick," the voice on the other side said.

"Sick?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm not sure what she has but I followed her to a clinic. She took some drugs but I'm not sure what they were and if I poke around too much, I'll be exposed."

"You did good enough. Anything else to report?"

"No sir. I plan to get closer to her. She's closed off but I can make a connection with her."

"I knew I could count on you. Make me proud," I said and turned my phone off. Opening the limo door, I slid in with a smirk.

Vittore won't know what hit him.

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