Chapter Seven: School Dances

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*Danny's POV*

I hurried over to go ghost in the middle of the food court. No one was around so it was fine. I flew over to the ghost dragon and said, "Say, haven't we met somewhere?" It roared at me and I widened my eyes. The dragon opened its mouth and breathed out fire at me. I moved away from it quickly. "Let's try this again. Hi, I'm Danny Phantom, and you are-?" I ended up getting whacked in the face with her tail and it sent me flying away. I crashed into a kitchen that sold hot dogs on a stick. I sat up and rubbed the top of my bruised head. "Testy, got it..." I muttered.

I watched as the dragon flew down to me and started to breathe green fire at me. I managed to dodge it in time, and yelped. "Sorry dude, I think you've got the wrong weenie!" I shouted, and dove down to the dragon. I used all the force in my body to shove the dragon back but the dragon grabbed me by its claws and pinned me to the ground.

"Must have T!" it roared at me furiously.

"Tea?" I suggested. "Oh, good, coffee might make you a bit jittery. Better yet-" I turned invisible and sunk to the ground below its hand. "Have some punch!" I uppercut the dragon once I fly back up.


*(Y/n) POV*

Tucker, Sam, and I were starting to look for Danny until he appeared right in front of me. "Danny!" I said, scared. He turned visible and landed on the ground, turning back to human. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," Danny said, looking around. "But that's the second time I've fought that dragon. We need to investigate, (Y/n). Maybe you can gather some equipment from your parents?" He looked at me and I nodded. "How are you guys?"

"Great!" Tucker said before I could say something. "If you don't count me being dateless for the dance." He pulled out his PDA and Sam and I looked at him. " I've hit every girl in school, except-" A girl in fancy, bright yellow/orange clothing walked up to us as if on cue, and we turned to her direction. "Valerie."

"Yeah, hi, Sucker, is it?" She asked.

"Tucker." He corrected, but she didn't seem to care. "Or Tuck. Or Tuckerino."

"Which ends with no." Valerie pointed out. "Which by the way, is my answer. Unless something happens in the next five minutes that makes me dateless."

One of the jocks named Kwan who's more friendlier than Dash ran up to her saying, "You'll never guess what happened! Donna said she'd go to the dance with me, so you're dateless!" Ouch, I guess he wasn't as friendly as I thought.

He ran away, leaving Valerie confused. Then, she looked at Tucker. "You're on."

"I'll take it!" Tucker said, and she walked away. The three of us smiled at him for the effort that was made. "Some may call it a rebound, but I call it a yes. I've got a date!" He cheered. "And the pants are still on..."


*Danny's POV*

"I still don't understand why I have to wear this stupid thing..." dad grumbled as mom fixed his tie on Friday night.

"'s Danny's first dance, Jack?" she said. "If we're going to chaperone this thing, we have to make sure we don't embarrass him!"

Jazz was sitting on the edge of the kitchen table, smiling at the conversation. "How would we embarrass him?" He asked.

I was about to fill up my cup with water and turned around when Jazz spoke up. "I think it's great when you guys do anything that doesn't have something to do with your sick obsession of ghosts." She glared up at them.

"Funny..." dad said. "I don't even remember volunteering to chaperone the dance. It's all a vague blur."

I walked over and took a sip of my water. "By the way, Danny?" Jazz called out to me and I stopped in place. "Just so you know, I'm on to your little secret."

I was just about to finish my drink until I started to spit it all out. "What-What secret?" I said in a panic.

"The clumsiness? The nervousness?" Jazz pointed out. I wasn't really sure what she was going with this. "I can't believe I didn't figure this out before! You and (Y/n) are dating!"

"It's a lie, I'm not a ghost!" I blurted out without thinking. I had to make sure I heard that right and knew she actually wasn't talking about that secret. "I- uh, I mean, (Y/n) and I aren't dating. She's not going to the dance anyways, and I am already taking someone to the dance."

"You guys have known each other for months!" Mom said. "She's a great girl, and you two have gotten along so well with each other."

"Mom!" I complained.

"That's great. I can meet her and talk to her about ghosts!" dad said, completely missing the point of who we were talking about.

"Well, even if it doesn't work out with (Y/n), you better let your other date know your family's insane now, Danny!" Jazz said. "If you marry her, crush (Y/n's) heart, and they both find out later what happened, that's entrapment." I sighed, walking away. Am I really missing the bigger part of the picture here? I thought.

"I better go get ready..." I said sadly. I walked downstairs to the lab to get the equipment and get the other gadgets that (Y/n) prepared for me. "Okay, so I'm going to have to dance with Paulina, and keep my dad from embarrassing me." I thought about it some more, and said, "I can handle that...I think."


*(Y/n's) POV*

I was on a three way video chat with my friends later that evening. Tucker was already with Danny at his place. I was about to head over to Sam's house to hang out for the night because neither of us had anything better to do. I showered after dinner, and I sat down on my bed, making sure Danny knew what he was doing with the equipment I prepped for him.

"Tie straight, shirt tucked in, unbreakable ghost fishing line tucked in neatly just in case~" Danny said, tucking it inside his suit. "And this watch your parents made especially for research that I'm technically borrowing for tonight...What does this do anyway, (Y/n)?"

I looked at him as he fiddled with the black wristlet, and tapped on the color display. "Tells you anything you really need to know. It's good to have for safe keeping." I said. "It's an EVP - electronic voice phenomenon wrist watch."

"Do you think I really need this?" Danny asked me.

"No, but you can never be too careful." I said. "It's got a built in microphone and can record everything you see and hear automatically when you're hunting ghosts, Danny. You can back it up on your files on your computer to playback the sounds too if you wanna know what they're really saying."

"Like a translation?"

"Sort of."

"Neat." Danny smiled and placed it on him.

"Plus, it's a really good accessory to have when you're going out on a date." I said bitterly. Sam was the only one that noticed my look and sent me a private message through the chat asking if I was okay.

"Right, anyways, what's taking so long on that research, Sam?" Danny asked impatiently.

"Alright, geeze." She also bitterly said. "Here, I'm sending you the link."

"That's it." Danny said and clicked on more info about the ghost dragon. "Medieval ghost legend held that the cursed amulet of Aragon could transform any wearer into dragon form under states of extreme emotional duress or anger. That's the amulet I gave to Paulina! It must've accidentally fallen into my backpack. mean, I'm going on a date with a dragon?!"

"Like (Y/n) said...!" Sam said, with a grin.

"Looks are deceiving." I added again, looking away this time. "I'm sure you boys will have a wonderful evening. See you!" I signed out of the video chat out of jealousy and fell back on my bed with a sigh.

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