Chapter 31: Circus Gothica

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*Danny's POV*

"I'm going ghost!" I shouted, running after the thieves from last night at the jewelry shop. I hopped on a trashcan, and onto the back of a pickup truck and changed into my alter-ego, Danny Phantom. I floated up to them as a police car followed us. "Opening a new bank account? Don't forget your free toaster!"

I fired a ghost ray at the ghost dwarf who was the closest to me, and he ended up dropping his money bag. I watched as it landed on top of the police car and it drove right into a fire hydrant. "Curse you, Ghost Kid!" a policeman said.

"Oh great, more fans." I muttered.

I tried to follow the thieves after a while, but they disappeared into a billboard. I stopped in place upon seeing the Ringmaster on the billboard with his scepter. I looked into the red orb on top of it and fell into a trance again.

I ended up blinking, and shaking my head. It was like I heard a whisper, and it drew me in. I wanted to give in to my own will. I ignored it though, trying to keep focus, and I made a giant arc. I flew around and went through the billboard.

When I went through, I saw a bunch of goths crowding around. I looked up and saw the set up with a train on a track and the Circus Gothica tent painted in black.

"Terrific." I said to myself. "Crooks got away. I'm late for school. (Y/n)'s probably wondering where I'm at, and...I've never seen so many goths out in broad daylight." Everyone finally placed an umbrella over their heads to block out the sun.

"Well..." Sam said, finally noticing me. "Look who's decided to slum it with the troubled teens."

"What?" I muttered, setting down on the ground next to her. "I'm not in trouble."

She raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms at me. We heard the sounds of sirens coming closer. "Oh yeah, you're an upstanding citizen." Sam remarked. "What would (Y/n) think if she found out you were here?" I had no answer to that. (Y/n) would start worrying about me. "Don't worry, I won't say anything. Need to hide from the law?"

"...No." I innocently said, and turned invisible. We went over to the nearest iron drum and I changed back to normal. Sam and I were whistling on the sides of it as the policemen ran past us.

"Come back here, Inviso-Bill!" one of them said. They were all carrying batons, and we stood idly by, casually. We both smiled at each other, and we went to go over to the opening ceremony together.

"Greetings, fellow outcasts." the Ringmaster came out from one of the freight cars. His scepter was out and he smiled at all of us. "I am Freakshow. Your master of ceremonies. Are you ready to smile? Relax and forget all your troubles amid the pleasant diversions of the circus?" The crowd denied in response. "Then you've come to the right place! Prepare to be disturbed, and appalled by the small sample of the bizarre and abnormal world of Circus Gothica!" He waved his scepter over to the freight cars and a line of people stepped out to do some strange acts.

Everyone was cheering, and I ended up taking a look at the scepter again, getting lost into the crystal ball. "This is the greatest moment ever!" Sam exclaimed happily. "Nothing could ruin this for me!"

"Parents of Amity Park!" a voice said that made her smile falter. "We urge you to boycott this morbid assault on the morals of our children!"

Everyone started booing and Sam glared at them. "What are they doing here?!" She whispered to herself. "Why can't they have day jobs like regular parents?"

"Don't let the rantings of the closed-minded norms bring you down." Freakshow said, stepping on top of a box overhead. "Show them your true colors, and when I say true colors, I mean all black. Make them see you for who you are!"

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