Chapter 18: Splitting Image

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A week has past and we resumed our normal routine at school. "So why exactly are we breaking our backs here, Sam?" Danny asked as the four of us haul a box of frogs down the school hallway.

"Frogs' Right." She determinedly said. "We have to stop dissecting frogs in our school biology labs and at today's assembly, I'm going to demonstrate a humane alternative."

She tilted the box with words upon it and I looked at it from an angle. "I can't believe it's not a frog cadaver?" I asked. Sam happily placed the box down and opened it. She picked up an animatronic frog that had oozing green substance from its eyes and I made a disgusted face.

"Please remove my detachable, three chambered heart!" it said and croaked. 

All of a sudden, one of the boxes glowed green and we stared at it in surprise. It erupted green mist from it, causing Sam to let go of the animatronic frog. Tucker dropped his box as it landed on his head, while me and Danny backed up from the explosion. Emerged from the box was the Box Ghost. "Oh great," I said. "Him again?"

"I am the Box Ghost!" he announced. "And I will have my corrugated, cardboard vengeance!" I went over to help Sam and Tucker remove the frog from his head while Danny transformed.

Sam and I managed to have it popped off, and saw him covered in green goo. "That's just gross..." I said, and Tucker also made a sound.

"You three get to the assembly, I'll get this moron sealed up tight!" Danny ordered, and we hurried off.

"Be careful, Danny!" I said, looking back at him as I ran.


*Danny's POV*

The Box Ghost lifted his hand and a bunch of utensils from the dissection box arose. The knives headed straight at me, and I turned myself invisible. "Maybe Sam has a point..." I said as I patted my chest. I looked up, only to see the Box Ghost launching himself at me. I crashed through the lockers, and several classrooms. I was lucky to not destroy anything in sight. Finally, I landed behind the curtains of the assembly, and turned back to normal on cue. "Whoops, heh."

"Tremble before the might of the Box Ghost as you are devoured by...!" He trailed off as he lifted up a box nearby. "Uh...Oh yeah. Costumes and props from the Broadway classic: My Fair Lady!" The contents from the box flew out and I ended up being smacked in the face with several pieces of clothing. "Beware!" He quickly shouted, leaving me in a pile of clothing.


*(Y/n)'s POV*

I looked around nervously, until Sam walked up on the stage. "Fellow students!" She said at the podium. "Something sick and disgusting is taking place right here in our school, and I'm about to show you what it is!" She walked away from the podium, and I started to pull the curtains from the side. We saw the pile of clothing and I looked at her confused.

That was when everyone was laughing. Sam stopped smiling as she showed her "Save the Frogs" sign, and we saw Danny crawling out in his "Little Bo Peep" costume. Tucker, beside me, started cheering, "Whoo! Take it off!" Sam and I sent a glare at him, and he looked at us. "No seriously, he should take it off, that's weird."


"Thanks to your little dress up parade, my "Save the Frogs" presentation was a total bust!" Sam yelled at Danny as we walked to our next class.

"And speaking of bust," Tucker brought up. Danny was frowning. "Did you guys see Danny in that bra? Puce is not your color, pal..."

Danny eyed him, not impressed. "Yeah..." Danny said, holding up his paper. "And now because of that idiot Box Ghost trashed my locker, I've been assigned to a new one."

"Which one?" I asked, looking over his shoulder.

"Locker: 724."

Sam and Tucker gasped, frightened while we exchanged looks. Tucker pointed behind us and we saw a beat up, old and rusty locker. "Guys?" I asked. "What's wrong?"

"Yeah, you looked like you've seen a ghost." Danny agreed, and laughed nervously. "Or something really scary that we don't see every single day."

"Hello?!" Tucker exaggerated, appalled that both of us didn't know. "Locker 724?! How do you two not know about the legend of locker 724?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

I watched as Danny opened the locker. It had cobwebs and everything inside and a single mirror. He touched the mirror on the inside and nothing happened. "What's the big deal about 724?" I asked and then Dash stood in front of me.

"You left something behind, Fenton!" Dash said and his posse laughed. Danny glared right up at him. He placed the wig back on him. "Let's see if it fits you in your new locker with you inside!" He grabbed Danny with both hands and I covered my mouth with both hands.

"Dash!" I said, and winced when Danny got slammed inside face first.

Dash walked away after closing the locker on him and laughed some more. "I was gonna tell you both the locker was cursed, but-" We walked over and I opened up the locker. "I think you two have figured that out."

Danny had his arms folded and was upside down while wearing the wig. He fell out and I tried to catch him. "I'll show you cursed." He snarled, clenching his hands into fists as he stood back up. "Cover me!" He grabbed me and Tucker and pulled us together and transformed into Danny Phantom. He turned invisible and we had no time to react to him flying away from us.

We watched as he overshadowed Dash and had him slam against several lockers. Then, had him dunk his head into mop water, and finally phased out of him. Danny turned back to normal, knowing that everyone was distracted so they couldn't see him. Sam and I weren't impressed, but of course, Tucker was.

The two boys high fived each other. "That's going to bite you back someday, Danny..." I said.

"Relax, (Y/n)!" Tucker smiled at me. "It's about time you use that Phantom advantage for some ghostly get back."

Tucker followed Sam away as she sighed, and I stopped Danny in place. He looked at me and frowned. I said, "I wasn't sure whether or not to say that was pretty cool, or what, but just be careful. That was pretty bold." We both exchanged small smiles and we went to catch up to our friends.

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