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"As you can see, mint chocolate chip ice cream supremacy is the only path in life," Hana stated, releasing a long breath.  "Ara, were you listening?"

"Huh?" I snapped my head away from my boyfriend and returned my attention back to Hana.

"Of course you weren't listening, you're too whipped," she replied, rolling her eyes.

I guiltily looked down, hiding a shy smile. 

"Do I need to repeat myself then?" Hana asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, you're opinion sucks either way," I stated, shaking my head.  "I don't know why you're my best friend."

"Because you love me," Hana stated confidently.

After hanging out for some more time and raiding Hyunjin's kitchen for desserts, we were all exhausted and ready to go home.

"It's been fun guys," Changbin said, waving a farewell as he reached for the doorknob.

"Yeah, we should do this again sometime," Seungmin nodded, following Changbin.

"Thanks for inviting us hyung!" Jeongin waved, smiling brightly.

Everyone started to file out of Hyunjin's apartment, leaving just him, myself, and Jisung.

"Thank you once again for the interview Hyunjin, I can't express how grateful I am," I explained, trying my hardest to not get emotional.

"Aw it's no problem Ara, I knew how much you wanted to work for Vogue," Hyunjin smiled. "And if you're nervous about getting the job, don't be, I said only good things about you to them."

"Oh uh you didn't have to," I looked down, fighting the emotional tears that were daring to fall. "But nevertheless, thank you."

"Alright time to go now, angel," Jisung urged, gently tugging my hand. "Hana and Felix are waiting."

"Oh right," I replied. "Well I'll see you around Hyunjin, bye!"

"Bye Hyunjin!" Jisung waved as he made his way to the door.

"Bye guys!" Hyunjin responded, closing the door after us.

"Did you have a good time angel?" Jisung asked, slipping his hand in mine as we walked down the hallway.

"Yes I did! I still can't believe Hyunjin was able to get me an interview for my dream job!"

"You're going to do great, baby," Jisung smiled, kissing the top of my head. "I'm so glad you're going after your dreams!"

Felix quickly dropped Jisung and me at our apartment building. As soon as we got in, we collapsed onto the couch, tired.

"Babe, you're smushing me," I groaned, trying to push Jisung off of me.

"Noo let me stay in your arms like this for a little longer," Jisung whined, burying his head in the crook of my neck.

I soon got accustomed to Jisung's weight on me as I gently stroked his hair, letting the soft strands run through my fingers.

We stayed like that for some time until Jisung shifted, moving to the side so he could comfortably throw an arm around my shoulder.

I gave him a small peck on the lips before resting my head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.

I could feel my eyes start to grow heavy as they fluttered shut. With Jisung's soft touch as well as the constant rise and fall of his chest, I was lulled into a dreamy sleep.


Jisung and I woke up the next morning in pain. I was the first to open my eyes and crane my neck to the side so I could read the time. We had accidentally fell asleep on the couch, too tired to even make it to our rooms.

My arm lost all sense of feeling from being tucked underneath Jisung's arm. After hearing all of my shuffling around, Jisung stirred awake, even more sore than I was.

He had my head resting on his chest and his neck propped up on the armchair of the sofa. He groaned out in pain as he tried sitting up.

"Morning angel," he muttered, moving his neck from side to side.

"Good morning Ji," I laughed, getting off of the couch. "We were really too tired to go sleep on the bed, huh?"

"Yeah, bad decision," he groaned, pressing down on his neck. "Everything hurts."

"Here, I'll give you a mini massage," I giggled as I turned Jisung to the side. I sat behind him and put some pressure on his shoulders, gently pressing down every now and then.

"That feels so good," he murmured, trying to regain feeling in his arm too.

After a few minutes of massaging his sore shoulders, I wrapped my arms around his waist, giving Jisung a warm bag hug.

"You sleep okay angel?" Jisung asked, placing his hands on top of mine.

"Yes, very," I hummed, resting my chin on his shoulder. "Hopefully my weight on you didn't hurt too much?"

"Oh don't worry about that, I'm feeling much better already," he replied.

"Good," I nodded, giving a small kiss on his neck. "Let's go make some food then, I'm starving."

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