Chapter 5: Saving her.

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      Ethan Lockwood pov

                     8:12 pm
             Lockwood Office

I look at the clock and sigh. I guess tonight is again gonna be a sleepless night

I have so much work to do.

Looking back at the contract papers,I was proof reading it one last time when my phone rang.


"Good evening Mr Lockwood. Secretary of FW Financers this side."

"A very good evening Mr Ray. How were the samples?"

I say massaging my forehead and leaning back in my seat.

"That's why I called Sir Lockwood. Today was the last day for the samples to be submitted however we haven't received them till now."

I straighten up, my eyebrows narrowed.

"What do you mean you haven't received them? They were sent to you today noon. I myself approved them."

"We are sorry Sir Lockwood but we can't go forward with this deal. Have a nice day"

The call ended and I clench my fists. This deal was so important.

How can I loose it like this. Dammit!

Picking up the receiver,I speak in a low voice. Trying to keep my anger at bay.
I was so damn frustrated right now.

"Send Sally to my office. Now!"

Without listening to a reply I just run my hand through my hair.
Taking deep breaths.

She knocks on the door and I ask her to enter.
With head bowed she approaches me.

"FW Financers haven't received the samples today and they called of the deal."

Her eyes widen.

"But Sir-"

"One thing Sally! I fucki*** asked you to do one thing right today. What else could have been more important than this?"

"Sir...the directors came and I..."

"The directors were not running off from this company. Were they? This was not expected of you."

She lowers her head and I breathe heavily. Calming myself.

"Get me the samples. I will arrange something."

She looks at me in horror,like I have asked for her kidneys.

" Sir?"

"Yes the Samples Sally.Why are you so surprised?"

She chuckles nervously, to hide her fear . As I patiently wait for her to answer.

"Sir wha..t happened was that...I...was busy with the directors so I...asked someone to deliver them. The person must have reached till now...I don't know why...they haven't received it."

"Someone? Who is this someone if I may ask?"

She reluctantly answers, looking pale.

"Your new secretary Sir....miss Vivian"

That was it, I slam my fist on the table making her flinch and step back in fear.

"So you mean to say that you gave such an important task to an ameature that has just joined our office today?"

"She seemed responsible sir. I am sure there must be a valid reas-"

"Bullsh**! Call her!'

I say getting up from my seat and pacing the room.
Sally's hands shake as she dials her number.

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