Chapter 35 The murderer

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            Vivian's pov

That assho**! What does he thinks of himself!

Acting all caring, making breakfast for me, tending to my injury.

Like he is the most caring husband in the world.

When just yesterday he was calling me a who**! Calling me names and humiliating me.

No matter what he does...I can't forgive him.
Especially when he made me live in that hell for 5 years.

I will never forgive him!

Walking inside,I greet the director and we directly start with the shoot.

"So today's shoot is a bit intimate Vivian. I have our male model guys are to kiss on screen."

I look at the actor who approaches and smiles at me ,and I just nod awkwardly

"Excuse me director."

I say, getting him in a corner.

"What happened Vivian?"

"Director I not comfortable with this. I told you before also... anything is fine till getting intimate, kissing and stuff."

"But Vivian it's important. And it's just a shoot. You don't need to be stressed about it."

"Try to understand director. I am...I am not comfortable. You never asked me before for the other ads."

"That's because this shoot is based on the theme  of Love Vivian. I am sorry but it can't be deleted.You have to do it."

I sigh, looking at him with frustration.
My day is already bad you stupid director! Don't make it worse.

"See Sir I understand. But I can't do it. Okay?"

"Fine. Don't kiss but just pose then...we will move the camera at such an angle that it looks like you guys are kissing."

I don't know what to say...I merely nod and he exclaims.

"Good ! Everyone ! Let's begin !"

He says and I clench and unclench my fist in nervousness.
Damn man , modeling is not that much of a child's play as I thought.

Sighing,I nod to myself.

Fighting Vivian ! Fighting!

You can do it. Plus it's just a shoot. It will be over soon.

Getting on the stage,I look at the model I am supposed to shoot with.
He was shirtless, his body we'll build and face chiseled.

He was handsome. No doubt.

And if I follow the news properly, I guess he was a very famous one. With girls going crazy after him.


He says looking towards me and my eyes widen in surprise. He starts walking towards me.

"How can someone look so perfect?"

He says and I look at him flabbergasted.


Instead of stopping, he walks beside me , hitting my shoulder and next I know, he stands in front of a mirror.

Staring at his face.

Smiling in the mirror,he adjust his hair. Giving himself a flying kiss.

I chuckle at this, rolling my eyes.

Oh man this man is so self absorbed.
He looks good, okay but Ethan is way better than him.

Ethan looks good effortlessly.

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