Chapter 57 Her typhoons

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I thought she resembled a breeze of warm air, that soothed wherever she went.

To only realize now she was blender of the air itself.

That turned the hot loos to chilling needles of piercing rain

Letting her typhoons out that she till now kept

Harboured to rest.

                   - suzangill©


The first rays of sunlight illuminate the room ,as a couple stays entangled in the silken sheets.
Their legs enmeshed together and bodies pressed against each other, radiating heat.

While one was in deep slumber, the other couldn't find sleep.

Lost in the thoughts of the events that waited to be unfolded, marking the journey of their karma and deeds.

His knuckles caressing her cheek, enjoying the touch till it lasts. Because he knew, the second these beautiful green orbs flutter awake, he wouldn't have a choice but to break her heart.

He wanted to imprint her face in his mind for eternity,the feel of  her touch in his soul's journey. And maybe then , he could live his future life without her in his arms.

He leans in closer, making his nose to touch her. Her breath hitting his and he smiles.

His eyes flicker to her slightly parted lips and he couldn't stop himself from placing his lips on her, enjoying the feel of their soft ones.

She doesn't respond. Fast asleep after the tiring night last night. The flashes of the night come in front of his eyes and he stops himself, clenching his fist. He can't feel like that now....stop Ethan or you won't be able to stop yourself.

We will save Sophie, the murder charges on Vivian will drop automatically.

And then when he has fought for her freedom and given it back to her.

He will let her go

Placing a loose tendril of her hair, behind her ear. He kiss her forehead one last time.... sealing the promise of protecting her from any arm that may come their way, to only move back from her. Making sure to cover her with the comforter.

Looking back at her peaceful form one last time , he gets up with a sigh. Clenching his fist.

I am sorry my Phoenix. But one day you will thank me for this.

Nodding to himself, he proceeds out of the room with heavy footsteps and a burdened heart.

It was time for the game to begin.


She wakes up with a smile on her face, stretching her limbs to welcome the beautiful day.

The slight ache in between her legs, made her eyes to widen. To only relax back and again smile shyly by herself. They did it last night...she can't believe it. And she will be lying if she said she didn't like it.

The experience was wonderful and she can't help compare it with the first she did it with him while they were in college.

His ways of making love have surely changed. The gentleness last night left her in awww. His kisses were more passionate and touch gentle enough to resemble a feather's play. He was not like a carefree partner last night.

He resembled a passionate lover.

A lover who pleased her more than pleasing himself. A lover who made sure to touch her but not burn her.

His Scarred Beauty (Complete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ