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In the previous chapter: Second day of school. Marian showed Oriane how to use the hex. Jessica and Marian had an argument. Charlotte revealed she had a crush on the same guy Jessica and Elle both admired.



By and by, Oriane didn't divulge her feelings to Charlotte on Tuesday. She didn't want to feed gossip.

True to Charlotte's word, Marian and Jessica made up but things remained rocky between them, especially when it came to Elle and her posays. Or maybe they always acted that way.

Over the last few days, Oriane managed to balance on her floating bag. But she didn't tell Marian just in case the girl decided to persuade Oriane into a speedy glide across the campus. Toffee, her cat, had also taken a liking to floating around in the room. Oriane thought to have Marian put a hex on Toffee's cushion but she feared Toffee would find herself lost, floating speedily down the plethora of corridors and stairways.

She also found out that the five guys in robes from her homeroom class were all born-elementals with important social statuses outside of school. Oriane was surprised Charlotte fancied one of them despite not wanting to participate in the quarrel between Marian and Jessica.

It was the end of the week. Oriane had managed to finish that History essay yesterday morning and handed it in on time.

She had sifted through the assigned textbook and wrote a standard answer to why Elementals were the dominant specie in the immortal race to supremacy.

Oriane was certain her teacher, Lecturer Wilcox, was biased against the others to the core.

He had spent the last lesson expounding on how elementals had risen to power due to the ability to possess affinities. The power combined with the cooperative nature elementals favour led to the establishment of the immortal society today.

Oriane spied the exasperated looks on the other students' faces, particularly the werewolves. She had rolled her eyes countless times herself. Lecturer Wilcox certainly took racial discrimination to a whole new level.

Just one more lesson to sit through before the end of the week.

She had also promised to go see the Executive with Marian and hopefully convince the necessary people to rescind the academic warning on Marian.

"Miss Moore," called out her Remedies lecturer, Miss Sears. Oriane inwardly groaned. Caught not paying attention. "Can you please tell me why auras are such important components to one's existence?"

Stammering, Oriane scanned the open textbook, 'Practical Remedial Studies', before her. But the answer remained elusive.

Another student answered for her, "The aura powers our souls. Auras are also where we immortals draw our affinities or talents from." The guy was seated to her three o'clock on the bench in front.

He turned around and gave her a cheeky wink.

He was cute, with a mop of brown hair and stunning green eyes, dressed in casual well-loved jeans and a green T-shirt that read 'cute and funny'.

Oriane blushed, not sure if it was from embarrassment or the wink.

"Mister Stevenson, I did not call your name. Please refrain from speaking out in the future without raising your hand," chastised Miss Sears in her business attire and black flat shoes.

According to her introduction yesterday afternoon, Miss Carolyn Sears taught Chemistry along with Remedies and researched quantum chemistry. She didn't look a day older than thirty with her thick brown hair tied up in a big loose bun, which only became looser as she went about the lesson.

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