MH │54

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In the previous chapter: Oriane asked Robert to delay the Council's intervention. Things started to heat up as everyone prepared for the blood moon ritual.



Uilliam had given her instructions. She would arrive at just the hour, through the gate that was at the back of the Auditorium, and wait for him before entering the chamber inside. He was just going to show up, as usual. Turns out his method of teleportation now included travelling through shadows. It was the result of that god fire incident the week before, when she had 'freed' his powers or some lot.

There, in the slightly chilly corridor, was where she stood waiting. Oriane just arrived. Already the drab stone walls that surrounded her made her uneasy. Invisible eyes watched her, she felt like, sending goosebumps all over her arms. It only fed the nervousness. A door was slightly ajar in front of her. Beyond it, she could see the Rosicrucian congregants whispering among themselves.

They weren't holding anything particularly ritualistic, their hands folded under the long sleeves. The white of their robes reflected the red and orange of the giant bonfire they encircled. On the floor, however, were complex arcane circles. They were drawn with a pink pen or something. The colour was artificial and strange in the room. Not quite like the ones now permanently charred on her kitchen floor, they were angular with a curve here and there. She wished she could understand the characters that made up the circles. Oriane was dying to know if the circles indicated what they intended to summon.

The master cultist hadn't arrived yet. But his right hand man —Urien was it— stood imposingly over the rest of the congregants. Of course, he was dressed in exactly the same way: the white robes with the rosy cross. Rather than mystical, he was intimidating in them. She didn't want to get on his bad side again, that was certain.

To Oriane's surprise, next to him was the Chancellor wearing his usual ceremonial robes. From the sneaking glances of the congregants, they were quite animated to see him. His presence was such a shock to her that she could only stare blankly at the kindly old man. Not so kindly after all if he was associating himself with this group.

The shadows shifted behind her. She sensed it more than she saw it.

"Where is he?" asked Uilliam as soon as he appeared behind her. He hadn't turned into a demon, just wearing his normal Enforcer look. "He should at least arrive early for his own ritual."

"I think he's waiting for everyone to arrive before he makes his entrance," she replied.

"A showman," he sneered. He pulled open the door and gestured for her to enter the chamber. "I'll stay here to observe. This is a good landing to see the whole floor." He looked down and swore under his breath. "Is that the Chancellor?"

Oriane sighed and nodded. Guess there were things even Uilliam didn't know.

Carefully, she stepped over the raised door frame even though she was wearing comfortable sports shoes. Some of the stones that paved the way were uneven. That's not to mention the numerous dark passages and stairs that ran up and down the underground repository.

At her arrival, the congregants stopped their whispers and looked at her. Elle was among them but didn't make any move to acknowledge her any more than the rest of them. On the other hand, the Chancellor glanced at her but didn't quite pay her any mind other than a nod. It made her wonder if the master cultist had told him about her... reluctant involvement. She found a place near the edge of the summoning circle.

She jumped when the master cultist's voice boomed from all corners of the chamber.

"Finally! Everyone is here." He emerged from a hidden door near a stack of shelving. He was wearing a dark robe. The rather lack of lighting in the chamber made it difficult for her to see exactly what colour. And he was barefoot, trodding across the cold stone ground in a light tap tap. The rim of his dark robe swished along the floor heavily. The sound of it dragging across the stones was loud in the silence of the chamber, other than the crackling of fire in the centre of the room.

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