MH │52

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In the previous chapter: Oriane decided to visit the library but she was ambushed by some vampiresses on the way but she got away by using the god fire, controlled by her emotions.



The library was closed.

Technically, it didn't have specific opening hours or anything like that but when she finally reached the top floor of the Main Hall, thankfully without more trouble, the doors were shut.

Deep mahogany wood reached floor to ceiling. The richness of it imposing as she stood at the foot of it. Patterns of vines and flora were engraved onto the heavy wood and polished to a smooth veneer. It positively glowed in spite of the dim lighting.

Oriane reached out... It should be fine, right? She recalled her brief encounter with a Watcher and involuntarily flinched. No, she didn't want a repeat of that. Yet when else could she spare the time to come find what she needed?

Drumming up a bit more courage, she put her hand on the doorknob and turned.

It wasn't locked. The door pushed itself open smoothly as if the door weighed no heavier than half of her. There wasn't even a squeak.

Inside, she was greeted by the overwhelming tower of books. Older volumes in their faded leather jackets and the newer ones in their freshly coloured ones lined the shelving on the curving walls.

She looked about. The librarian was nowhere to be seen. Likely retired for the evening.

The silence would have been piercing in her ear had it not for the whirring echoes of wind coming from above. It sounded like a fan was turned on. If she stood still, a faint breeze occasionally licked her.

Not to get distracted, she got to work on finding anything at all on 'O Mordha'. At a time like this, she wished for a computer. Instead, she had to find the books from scratch. She didn't even know where to begin. Supposed a text on Celtic Genealogy would do.

History... History... Biographies...

Her search went on for at least an hour just to find the right book. If only they had a catalogue for the rows and rows of texts available. The librarian being around might have had been useful if she came at a more decent hour.

On the fifth floor of the tower now, she walked from one end to the other, trying to spy for the right bookshelf. There was an elaborate bronze railing that lined the edge of each floor. Only a small path separated the shelves from the railing, carpeted in dark grey to reduce noise from footsteps walking up and down.

Although, she could see why no one ever came to the library. Other than the fact that there was no assistance, the books weren't organised properly either. It wasn't as though the required textbooks weren't already delivered to their dormitories.

She was just about to give up her search when a familiar voice sounded from behind.

"What are you looking for?" At the question, Oriane tensed. Her pulse jumped out of her skin. Robert was walking over to her from the other side of the railing.

"Robert! What are you doing here?" she exclaimed and swallowed her suddenly dry throat. She pressed her hands to her chest, heart pounding.

The dim lighting in the library cast a dark shadow over his face as he walked ever closer. He had a strange look on his face as they locked eyes, like he wasn't sure what to make of her.

"I saw you walking over her by yourself and wanted to see if you were okay," he said. She frowned at that comment. That meant he had been watching her progress through the library for how long now? "What are you doing?"

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