Chapter One

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A/N: Hollow Moon is something that's been in the recess of my mind that has a sort of similarity to Vivid but are completely unrelated. Basically it's a 'what if' kind of thing...This chapter is really a tester to see if I can get a flow going.

I should have another chapter of Vivid up sometime in the next week but I've been wanting to get this one started before I start chewing on inanimate objects out of frustration...again...


All I can feel is being submerged underwater. It's warm, dark and has no surface. No floor. There was no up. No down. Just floating in an endless expansion of water. But I felt no fear. I could breathe. This endless, warm dream. Something that I wanted go on forever. To always sleep. Always dream. It was safe. 


Why do I need to feel safe?

A loud cry, bordering insanity, jolts me awake as others join in chorus. A separate, more desperate scream soon follows, gurgling into a slow bloody silence, drowned out by this morbid rain that had started two days ago and showed no sign of stopping any time soon.

I had accidentally fallen asleep. More like I lost consciousness. I'm currently under a stairwell on the roof of some old abandoned nameless apartment building. I had fallen asleep curled up with my knees in front of me, hiding out from the rain and the insanity beneath me as I was trying to catch my breath.

They had found me. I was too preoccupied, too hungry, too exhausted, too desperate, too stupid, to pay proper attention. I made a near fatal mistake. Luckily enough I'm naturally fast and found an old emergency fire escape that was latched onto this building. I shimmed up, raised the ladders and wound up here.

It seems they must have found a new target on their grand hunt. Lucky me. Not so lucky the person down there that they caught. But then again, death can be considered a mercy, right? Considering the world we now live in, it would be far easier to toss myself from this roof and go 'splat' below than to live this life of constant fighting, hiding and raw fear. I can't even remember I a day where I haven't felt on edge to the point of insomnia-induced paranoia.

My body has gone completely numb with the rain and the cold. I move my muscles with a groan as I had stayed in that position for far too long. Stretching out my limbs, I investigate my surroundings closely. The roof was completely covered in harsh grey gravel the scrunches every time I move but luckily I was at least six stories up and the rain heavy enough to suspend any chance the psychos below could hear me. I get up, ignoring the rain and the pins and needles creeping up my legs and chance a glimpse over the roof's edge. As I do I catch a glimpse of maybe ten to twenty kids and teenagers running into the depths of the city, through the streets to what I imagine would be their den. Two of them were dragging their latest kill behind them, leaving a trail of blood that soon diluted in the rain. Erasing any evidence that they were even there.

You heard me. Pubescent Homo sapiens. From what I could tell, the world no longer contained rational-minded adults. That left children with no one to tell them to go to school. To do their homework. To punish them. To tell them what to do. No order. No structure. Just pure 'nothing'. And to those who felt suppressed by the world we once knew, this chaos was sweet euphoria.

The tribe down there that had chased me through the streets just hours ago, had taken to the idea of murdering anyone who wasn't one of them. And why not? No one was there to tell them what's 'right'. No one is there to punish them for what was once said to be 'wrong' in the old world. It was total and utter anarchy. The social structures have changed. Tribes formed. Rules changed. Pure and utter madness. I know that another group that I had spotted hanging around a school had punched in all the windows and set fire to the library. They dance and drank with glee as they watch their textbooks all go up in smoke chanting crap like 'no more school' etcetera. Yet they still hung out there, despite their protesting against education and educational institutions. 

Hollow Moon (BoyxBoy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz