Chapter Nine

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I was able to sleep for a good few hours now that most of my comforts were back in my possession. It also helped that I had an actual bed to sleep on. It's been about an hour since I woke up and since I didn't want to be anywhere near Moon or her friends, I stayed put, lounging on the couch while reading and planning my next move.

A knock on the door before it opens made me glance up from the page I was on. The girl walks over to me, plonking herself down on the sofa beside mine and stares at the maps I had left strewn all over the coffee table.

I leave my book open on my chest and watch her. What now?

"These maps are impressive," she finally chirps, moving her head in another direction to see the maps another way, her shocking silver-white hair flopping from her shoulder, over her face as she did, covering up her ghostly pale face and almost jet black eyes. "Shadow would be impressed."

"Can I help you?" To the door, maybe? I watch her as she moves the map around.

"I'll take a raincheck for your help for now." Her onyx black eyes look up into my face and I notice the freckles dusting her nose, "I'm Echo. Second in charge...well mostly," she grins relaxed as she leans back on the sofa.

Another weird name. "Where do you lot pick your names?"

She smiles broadly, "Looking for one?"

"Not particularly." That's the end of that discussion by the sounds of it. "What do you want from me, Echo?"

"Just curiosity and an update. Moon has told me that Liam seems to be ok for now but she would like your opinion."

I sigh, placing the book on the table before standing, "It's too early for an 'opinion'."

"You are honest, I'll give you that. You could have lied, saying he would recover without you and be out of here. Instead, you're tightening the collar around your neck."

"How poetic," I mutter while walking out of the room, heading for the stairs. Is it just me or are there a lot of girls in 'Dark Sol'? I frown thinking about it as I head down the stairs. Another note to put down about the area, maybe? I can't be sure how many are in this group or if it really is full of girls...

"Always thinking, always planning every step ahead," Echo cheerily bounces behind me. "You may be the most interesting addition yet!"

I stop in my tracks several steps below her and look up at her, "I am not an 'addition' to anything."

She smiles back in innocent silence.

I realise that she was probably toying with me and continued down until I find myself entering the familiar hallway and eventually into the large reception room where Liam was still housed on the day bed. More pillows and blankets surrounded and drowned him since the last time I was here. He looked exhausted even in sleep but at least he was sleeping peacefully.

Checking and redressing the wound while he slept, I saw that he was at least stable for now but I didn't put him in the 'will pull through' basket just yet.

"Where's Moon?" I look up at Echo who was instead looking out over the flooded pond.

"How's Liam?" She asks, her voice distant.

I let out a breath, "He's fine. For now. But no promises."

"I like him," Echo grinned as she turned to face the hallway where Moon stood, watching me intensely.

"...What now?' I growl at them both.

"Nothing. Echo just wanted to see you for herself." Moon said without a hint of remorse for my irritation.

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