Chapter Eleven

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T/N: Been a while but hey an update!

Apologies for spelling mistakes...I laughed my head off for a while when I wrote 'turd wars'...

...i need regular sleeping hours. 


Chapter Eleven

River's eyebrows dipped with irritation as he handed back my knife. "I don't see how it's a good idea to give this to him." He glances at Moon while I stash it back into my bag.

"First of all, it isn't yours. Secondly, I need the protection and thirdly; it's mine." I snap, hooking the bag onto my shoulder.

"Who's to say you won't knife us in the back?" River growled.

"Don't tempt me," I walk over to Moon and waited until she seemed to have gathered herself together to make a move for it.

I see Shadow watching me, "...For someone so unattached to things, you look way too attached to that knife."

"Suddenly figured me out?"

'It's either you're dead or they're dead. It isn't meant to be beautiful, artistic or flashy. Make sure each strike has a purpose. It's useless to wave it around in a panic.' That is what my uncle told me as he handed it over. I don't know how he got them to smuggle it onboard without any questions ask. A broody teenager wondering around with a GIGN operator's knife...I was half expecting a swarm of police officer's waiting for me the minute I stepped out of the shuttle.

I see a half grin appear on Shadow's face, "Just observing. Echo told me it would be interesting. So far she isn't wrong."

I question the mental stability of a few of the members of this tribe.

"Alright, I think we have everything..." Moon looks around, probably doing a mental checklist.

I quickly look at the small party she managed to gather together. River (miraculously wearing a shirt), Shadow, the girl who threatened me with a kitchen knife when I first got here (Echo helpfully pointed out her name is Reaper...yep) and a standoffish girl who looked like she would be a stuck-up gymnast or ballerina (called Jaguar). Six of us...a reasonable number to move quickly.

"Is everyone else ready?" Moon stares at me with this question.

As tempted as I am to say 'no', just to push River over, I instead slightly tilt my head as a half-assed 'yes'. We had gathered in the depilated reception room and as we literally used the front door out into the sunlight, I realised that I haven't ventured out of the hotel for a while. Moon lets Shadow take the lead out into the hellscape that I've been deprived of as Moon's 'guest'.

The street seemed less dreary without the rain. In fact, it was relatively nice...despite the spray-paint tags and smashed in buildings. The road leading out was a steep set of hills filled with overgrown gardens spilling out over walls and even onto the walkways. The city was well on its way to look like a zombie post-apocalypse landscape cliché in every movie I've seen. Shadow was leading us north-west and out towards a thick temperate forest with mountains. I inwardly groan. Uncharted forestry that's been left alone for a good twelve months with solid rain and zero pest control on all of the walking tracks.

I remember the map in detail where Shadow laid out our destination last night. It was right on the edge of some park and would take us about five hours to get to and about another hour deeper into the forest for their meeting point. I was told it was some scenic lookout that saw most of the city. That just meant I'll be climbing a steep mountainside...Ghost wanted Moon tired...and alone (on the assumption that Shadow would be on Ghost's side but Shadow is being cautious so he might just be an unknown variable...). Something isn't adding up...maybe I'm overthinking it...

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